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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Week 19 - An easy week.

 This week nothing special happen which is great in my book. Just the usual stuff with added sprinkles 

May 5
• Today finally after 4 years I got to see my best friend B. We ate a bakery where we shared fish and chips, pizza (which was so delicious) and a dessert. We talked for 3 hours about life. I miss this. I know he lives nearby but due his busy schedule we never get to see each other
• Two more open houses in front of the neighborhood. That was fun getting to know the neighbours
• Order Korean chicken for the kids and H2 got food poisoning

May 6
• Got our passports.
• H2 stayed at home and Mother in Law came to babysit
• H1 has Malay reading today

May 7
• Mom in law was involve in a small fender bender
• Rained heavily that a tree fell down in the middle of the city
• H1 had Math and Bio

May 8
• H1 got English today and she is not feeling well.

May 9
• H1 has the last paper of this week which is Math and Add Math. She said Math was super hard.
• Wife has an invitation Eid open house and I was invited as well so I was super dressed up and we enjoy a lot of food and company. I talked to a lot of of her colleagues. They don't seem to quiet to know who I am.

May 11
• My wife's oldest colleague finally got married. So went the wedding and met a lot of old friends
• Made stew today at 9pm. I don't like cooking at night but kids were hungry

Next week will be busy bringing the girls to their appointments. Other than that I don't see anything else happening

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