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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week 20 - I am sick

 I am sick this week. Which really sucks because it effects my nose and I am coughing a lot. Other than that life is just on auto cruise. I don't mind. There are ups and down but nothing substantial

May 13

• H1 got physics today
• Wife gave gifts to her stop students. Plus today is her official day back at work

May 14

• H1 got chemistry and language today.
• I think I got H1 cold

May 15

• I am officially sick. Got my antibiotics. It is going to be a long 5 days
• I got another regular student for my class.

May 16

• H1 Last paper of the week Chemistery
• H1 went on date. The guy is wife's student. He treated her ice skating and sushi
• I hate being sick. I didn't do any class in the evening so I can rest my voice. It doesn't seem to be helping

May 18

• Today wife cousin has an event of planting trees at the house. She came and cook breakfast while her colleagues came and plant trees. After that they played with the cats
• H2 has an archery competition. She entered for fun and got a participation medal
• I wasn't in a good mood in the morning. I don't want to tell her but I feel sad that I am poor. Everyone else is enjoy their money while I have no money. I think it was my fault to begin with but it is okay. I know that my time is not now and it will come eventually. I just have to lift my chin up I guess. The sad part in all of this I can't share this with her because whatever she says will just make me annoyed. It is probably just me. I don't need anyone to solve my problems for me. Sigh...
• In the evening wife's past students came to visit. I cooked olio. Someone brought a blueberry cake and then we ordered pizza. One of her students was asked to stay due to living far away. I decided to sleep early because I was super tired.

So I think I want to try to lose so weight. I am 83kg and that is not that great. So back to my normal habits of Fasting. Exercise and portion control. Try my best to control my sweet intake as well.

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