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Friday, October 22, 2021

Weekly Review (Week 42)

October 15 😊🥰

Today wake up and I need to send Callie to the vet for an ultrasound. It turns out I am going to be a grandfather to 4 kittens. After that I went to pick up the cleaners. Went to ordered some food for the kids before going for prayers. In the evening we went to mom in laws house. My sister in law finally came back after 7 months. The kids were so happy to see her. We are good food and played uno with 6 people. Overall it has been a good day 

October 16 😊🥰

Today from my in laws house I went home and prepare lunch for my mom. Around noon I picked her from the airport and pick my wife up. We had dinner together and then in the evening I send my wife back to her in laws so it was just me and my mom at night. We had dinner and then both of us went to bed early. Was a good day 

October 17 😊😓

Today after my normal routine I helped my mom with the garden. I finally got to use the electric lawn mower saw function. But I think I broke it since it could only be used to chopped a couple of trees. We got back home and get ready to go shopping. My mom wanted to get curtains and carpets. It was a treat going out with my mom. I laughed a lot seeing her antics. She just like to haggle on price. Had lunch together and then went home. I took a 10 min nap and then wife said I need to cook for my in laws family since they are coming over, I rushed to the groceries and both some fish heads and chicken. Took an hour plus to cook everything and after evening prayers we had dinner. My food was good everyone had seconds. I cleaned the kitchen as always and then took a shower and now it’s time for me to go to sleep. What an exhausting day 

October 18 😊🥰

Today my mom made some naan bread to eat with my curry. We rested in until the afternoon and then my sister in law and the kids came home. We had lunch of coconut curry chicken and it was super delicious. It was so delicious that nothing was saved and my mom had to make a second batch that night. Overall it was a good day. Oh we wanted to go shopping by my wife forgot to bring her phone. 

October 19 😊🥰

Today my mom cook some fried rice before she head back home to her hometown. After that we had to go to my mom in laws house to had lunch. We had some Sarawak laksa. In the evening the four of us went to Starbucks and just hang out. In the evening I didn't feel like eating so I didn't had dinner. Ended the day with some games. 

October 20 😊🥰

Today I made some butter chicken. It was super delicious. I spend most of the day playing games while it rained super heavily. I finish a 6 episode show called White Lotus. I kinda enjoyed it. Finish Art of Rally and now thinking what should I play next. Most of the day was spend just relaxing, taking a nap and just handing out.

October 21 😊😓

Today I bought some breakfast which we had for later. Went to do some groceries and decided to cook something new. Fried chicken with chilli and curry eggplant. Did the garden. Cleaned the house. Well most of it. Wife had an accident so I needed to clean the bedsheet and then finally got a chance to relax. Mom came home and brought a lot of food from her hometown. Oh my best friend game me my birthday gift. A copy of Forza Horizon 5 ultimate edition 

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