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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Art of Rally

What happens when you just want to race. You get this game 

Game no: 435
Genre: Racing
Platform: Nintendo Switch  
Release Date: 2020

What is it about?
Just a bare basic rally game where is it just you and the road 

What I liked?
Random generated tracks with 6 different locations 
5 different types of weather (sunset, morning, afternoon, night, rain) 
Real life cars without the real life names. When you see the car you know what the make is about. 
The driving is really tight. Controls are precise 

What I didn't liked?
Loading times on the switch is super long 
One wrong move and it will send you car drifting away 
Some of the autogenerated tracks really have bad track design which will make you just go off track 
Free roam mode I don't quite enjoy it 

Status: Finish the game until the end credits 

Fun Factor: One of the best rally games I've played this year. Easy driving 

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