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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Mini Motor Racing X

A nice fun racing game but the difficulty 

Game no: 432
Genre: Racing
Platform: Nintendo Switch  
Release Date: 2019

What is it about?
A top down racing game which each lap is short 

What I liked?
The racing is fast 
Different type of car classes each with its own different stats
Each race earns you cash to upgrade your car 
You can re spec your car and upgrade other cars with 90%
Different types of tracks 

What I didn't liked?
The physics are a bit rubber band-y. Even with full handling spec your car 
Some of the tracks are just too hard 
Some cars are a bit overpowered 
It gets too repetitive 

Status: Finish the game until expert 

Fun Factor: It's an enjoyable game. A bit too long for me 

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