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Friday, October 8, 2021

Weekly Review (Week 40)

October 1 😊🥰

Today I woke up and had a lot on my plate. First I need to gl my mom in laws to pick up some supplies that we left off the day when we stayed there. Came home and the security guy was at home when I arrived. It turns out that the plug was off. But he did fix my Cctv. So money well spent I guess. I made pesto for lunch and for the first time in months I manage to do Friday prayers in the mosque. Coming home I had to send H1 to get her first shot of vaccinations. It took us more than an hour but she was finally vaccinated. At night we ate the leftover pesto and I played some call of duty. Overall it was good a day

October 2 😊🥰

Today H2 decided to join me working out. So she id close to 2.3km. Im so proud of her. She also learn how to do laundry all by herself. That is just awesome. Today I didn't cook so we ate leftovers. In the evening I made some fried rice to go with the leftovers. Played some Mario Party with the girls. I lost. In the evening pick up the cleaner and now it is the end of the day. 

October 3 😊🥰

The cleaner is cleaning the house early in the morning so I didn't want to cook anything. For lunch I bought some food and for dinner after we send back the cleaner we all had McDonalds. Did nothing much. It was a lazy Sunday. Played games, took a nap, watch tv. You know the usual stuff. Really it was a great weekend. 

October 4 😊😞

Today I decided to make spaghetti. But for the adults will be baked potato with coleslaw. I went to do some groceries. H1 came to me annoyed due to her iPad issue with chrome. Finished call of duty. 

October 5 😊😞

Today in the morning I went to get my wife coffee at Starbucks. After that went to do some groceries since my dad in law is coming and I planned to cook some pesto with salmon. Today Metroid Dread is out so I am playing that right away. So far I love it. Dad in law came and he had lots of fun with the girls. At night my best friend is being difficult again which really I don’t like. I think I need to figure out my next move. 

October 6 😊🥰

Today I didn’t feel like cooking because there was no water at home. For lunch the girls had leftover pesto and I bought porridge for the wife who is feeling under weather. In the evening I bought chicken rice and curry for the girls while I didn’t feel like eating. Overall today was an okay day. It rained so it was a gloomy day. Finish what if… it was awesome 

October 7 😊🥰

Today wife wanted some soup so I went to get supplies for it. Make some soup and veggies. Played a lot of Metroid and just hang. At night I had a splitting headache. So I took some medicine and then just am resting 

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