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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Day 217: I'm behind on my posts

Today is Saturday at its clost to 1am. Before I go to sleep let's recap what happen on Thursday. On Thursday we had another round of product training. But this time, the training went very smooth. We were done around lunch. Had lunch with the group. My colleague ask me to bring the instructor to lunch but I really didn't felt like it. I rather spend my 2 hours hanging out with my friends. Came back from lunch there was another product meeting with another vendor. Then my boss calls me up for another product meeting. This time I have another account to take care of/. Which I don't mind since I do have experience dealing with that kind of product. The meeting ended at  6:40pm. It was a good thing that I had someone pick up the kids sinc eI need to to rush to the hospital to see my mother-in-law. The funny thing is that the hospital from the office only is 6km apart. But it took close to 1 hour to arrive there....

On a side note...
There is this big project that we are working on and our team (not me) did something wrong. I don't know if we could recover from that. I do know that if we don't get this project... Heads will roll and someone will be on the chopping block.... Pity them

Another side note, in the morning I got a text from my mentor RJ saying that he is thankful that I am his friend and he appreciate my friendship. You know things like this makes working an awesome place to be in

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