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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day 212: Gain a new skill

Today I spend the whole day with my man RJ. First we had a meeting to settle. Then we had a big lunch. It was nasi lemak with a ton of condiments. After that RJ was having a stiff neck. He went for a massage. I followed but didn't get one. There was no happy ending in the end. After lunch we tried to figure out how to do SAP. It took us close to 4 hours to figure it out. Before and after lunch. But I learn the system very fast and it was super easy. After settling it, it only took 5 mins to come out he report. RJ seems to be please and I felt appreciated. The funny thing is I am like a ghost in the office. No one was asking for expect my collegue. Which I don't mine. Tomorrow I have a seminar to go to. Yay... Off work

Achievement: Learn SAP

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