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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Week 39 - H1 is at university orientation

This week H1 is going to university. So this whole week will be a H1 free week. I miss her but H2 is here and its the only child for a while so that fun. Other than that nothing to subtaintal. I finished Astro Bot and that is awesome 

Sept 22

Had some mexican food and H1 left her phone at the restaurant just before we want to see her to university. This is her third time doing this everytime we ate mexican food.
Arrive at her uni and her room was at the 2nd floor. She is sharing a room with another person. We found out that it was another girl taking diploma and also same IG background as her.
So H1 will be living in the dorm for a week. She forgot her stuff and wife's student came down and we gave the stuff to them.
I manage to give my Green Day spot to wife students.

Sept 23

H1 is not enjoying uni life. The people are too local in her opinion. Food is not great either.
Father in law came to send H2 to school.

Sept 24

Went for the appeal of Perkeso. Wife was having anxiety so not sure we got it
Had a big breakfast
Cook some pasta
Mom came. It's been a while since I saw her
H1 wants to change course from computer science to engineering. Honestly I love it since I was trying to push her to do engineering before

Sept 25

Me and wife had to rush to the university to change her course. Since she already is register for computer science.
Took her out of her orientation. Brought her some pasta and ice lemon tea
It rained so heavy that my shoes are wet
Mama cook fried rice for tonight

Sept 26

Mama left for her hometown
I service my car yesterday. Did a good 4km walking around the mall. Need to change my tyres as well
Had some nasi lemak for lunch at the bakery
Pick up wife and friend for lunch at the same bakery. I just ate a couple slice of pizza because I was still full
H1 didn't had dinner because she had to do some activities. So I ordered some food for her to be delivered

Sept 27

H1 came back from uni. She went in her room from 4pm and never left
H2 had oreintation for her school. She had a bonfire at night. That was cool
I had to change my tyres. That cost around $500

Sept 28

Wife had to work. She had to be a judge at another university
Went to eat some fried chicken today and it was amazing.
After that we went to IKEA. Did some shopping

Next week I will be figuring out my schedule since all the girls H1, H2 and wife are busy with class and work. So I need ot be extra busy juggling work and house

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