What is Kamen Rider: Basically the character is a cybrog than turns into a bug like hero and stop mutants from invading earth. Kotaro has the power to Hensin (Transform) in to Kamen rider. Kamen Rider has powers like, super hearing, multi eyes, power strips, his belt can go give out a strong flash which seems to be the answer to everything. Lastly he has two bikes one can go offroad and one can go faster than light (I know it sounds rediculous.
This show is dumb: Really the story is not bad, but everything happens at a praticular place. No one can seem to handle the mutants and the hero Kotaro always is at the right place at the right time. Plus because this is a 1988 show. The effects are not that bad but the editing is terrible. Sometimes the will be in a park which will pan to a different place at a time.
In the end: He defeats the bad guys and its left alone. Really everything he fought. The peace but in the end he didn't get to be with the people he loves. That's a sucky ending
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