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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

American Underdog

Based on a true story 

What is it about?
The true story on how Kurt Warner became the first player to go to the NFL after being rejected 

The Good
The story is quite good
The football is also not bad

The Bad 
Nothing much. It finishes after it gets good 

The Ugly 
Nothing much 

After Credits: No 

Verdict: A nice biopic. Worth a watch 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Matrix Resurrections

 Is this really necessary


What is it about?
60 years after the last movie and the Matrix still lives 

The Good 
It's good to see the Matrix again 
There a lot of old characters mention 
The breaking the fourth wall less than 10 minutes in the movie. Even the knew it was unnecessary

The Bad 
This movie was trying to make sense of something you don't need
There is less kung fu scene 
The ending is open ended

The Ugly
A lot of pushing. Pushing her and there 

After Credits: No

Verdict: If you like the Matrix, you should watch it. But that's just is 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Nobodies: Murder Cleaner

Playing a game for work

Game no: 486
Genre: Adventure (Point and Click) 
Platform: PC
Release Date: 2016

I usually don't play this types of game. The last was I think Full Throttle and Grim Fandango but I have to play this game for work which is checking the translating in my native language is working with the game (I am going to say 95% working with some minor changes). So since I played the game with walkthrough might as well I count is a Game Finished 

You played as a cleaner and your job is to disposed of bodies that the assassins left for you to clean up. There are 11 missions and you need to do make sure that nobody notice that anything was moved (if you want a better achievement, or you could leave to the next mission your choice). The art style is hard drawn which I really appreciated but there is limited movements in each frame

What I like about this game is that some of the puzzle are really fun. There are minigames to play like safe cracking or moving a car in trash compactor. And that's where it ends. Without our pager (which gives us clues on what to do) this game is really hard. The thing about this game is that, there is a specific way on how to solve a puzzle and if you don't meet the requirements you'll be stuck and you probably have to repeat the game again. Which makes it a bit frustrated. The missions get more complex each stage we past and by the end it is a complex sequence that you need to fulfill to finish the game 

In the end this game is fun for those who like point and click adventures. The story is nothing to riveting but it is serviceable. Without the walkthrough you can take hours to solve something but in fact you can finish the game in less than 1 hour. I give it a B-Rank.  

Resident Evil VII

 I think this is the first and last game I'll watch 

Game no: 485
Genre: Action 
Platform: PS4 
Release Date: 2020

Frist of all I am going to say that I didn't play this game at all. I started the first 30 mins and then I said that this was too scary for me. So I did the next best thing is watch someone else play this game. So this review may be skewed a bit because watching someone else makes the game less scary. Don't get me wrong this game is still scary but when you are not in the driver seat, it becomes more barrable. So in this game you play as Ethan Winters who is trying to find his wife Mia who was missing for more than 3 years. You explore a abandon house with puzzles and traps really like the first Resident Evil 

This game does play like the most RE games where you go to a room, find a key item and see where does the key item belong. What makes REVII different than the rest is that it is a first person view. While most of the games come with a thirds person view where you can be aware of your surroundings. This game mostly you are confide to the view in front of you. That means that you can't see who is behind you which in turn means that's where the jump scares get you. You'll find weapons, and herbs to aid you along the way. With a compelling story makes you want to push through even you are scared. 

What I didn't like about this game is that, as much they try to put realism in this game. The main character is more like a cartoon figure. His body parts can be dismembered and yet can be stick again like glue. This game have more hand gore porn than I've seen in a while. There is only one enemy type which is good but it get's repetitive after a awhile.

So the question is I have seen the ending, will I actually play this game. The answer is yes but only if there is someone next too me. But I don't have anyone to play with me so I think is going to be a while. Maybe in 20 years I'll check the game again. I gave the game a B-Rank but this is one of the best RE games that is ever made. Too bad I am too scare to play it.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Sing 2

Bigger than the first one 

What is it about?
The Sing crew is going to make it in a bigger stage 

The Good
Love the songs
The plot was great 
The Bad guy was amazing bad 
The final show is 30 mins long 

The Bad
Where are the police?

The Ugly
Nothing much

After Credits: No 

Verdict: I love his movie. Better than the first one 

Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City

 Well they stayed true to source material (sort of) 

What is it about?
Zombie have taken over the city and a group of survivors need to find a way out 

The Good 
They follow some parts from the game scene by scene which is good 
Characters do resemble the videogame counterpart 

The Bad
They try to compress almost all of the 3 games into one movie which doesn't make sense 
The story doesn't make sense and the pacing is just not great 
Leon is way off from the videogame counterpart

The Ugly
Zombies are weird here 

After Credits: Yes

Verdict: Not a great movie. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Marvel's Avengers

I think this is the best effort of an Avengers game 

Game no: 484
Genre: Action 
Platform: PS5 
Release Date: 2020

When the news broke that someone is making an Avengers game I thought it was going o be awesome. But after years of delays and finally it was released to mixed reviews. I think is better for me to wait for a while until the game is stable enough to play. This game starts of with the Avengers cause the destruction which makes them a treat to the public. So after that are disbanded it up to a girl to reunite them all together. 

This game plays like a first person action adventure game. There are jumps, quick time events, bad guys to punch. Each character have support move, power move and ultimate move. Each with a cool down which makes you can't spam them all the time. I love the combat. It is fast paced and each different avengers control differently. My favorite is Ms. Marvel, Captain America and Black Widow. The story is serviceable and it does give a good ending 

What I don't like is that they made it into a live service game with a lot of cumbersome rpg elements in it. You have to upgrade your gear, add boons and perks as well as manage your group loadout. The problem is this game is trying to be two things that it is not. One on hand it is trying to be a great first person game but also a multiplayer game. It has linear stages but halfway through the game we are greeted with an open world with mission to choose form. The problem is the
sandbox stage is a bit bland with a lot of different enemies you need to clear out. It seems bland and repetitive. After you finish the game you are greeted to more mission which you need to level up in order to proceed. There are other characters that they added but it plays all the same and there is nothing special about that

In the end I finish the game and get to end of the story. It was an okay game. But I didn't like the live service elements to it. I give this game a B-Rank. Played once and forgotten 

Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

It's a nice trip down memory lane 

What is it about?
A reunion for one of the greatest reunion franchise 

The Good
The characters reminisce about their past work 
The friendships I guess 

The Bad
Nothing much. It not the making off more like just a trip back 

The Ugly 
Nothing much

After Credits: No 

Verdict: Nothing much,, it's just a show 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Thor Love and Thunder

By far the worse movie in the MCU 

What is it about?
Thor after the events of Endgame

The Good
There are comedic moments that land 
Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor is awesome 
There are some deep heart to heart moments 

The Bad
Valkyrie is so underused in this movie and she just disappear after the 3rd act 
The bad guy is great but because how the story is set up and it doesn't feel that it has any stakes in it 
The ending sucks 
It feels like this movie was written by kids for kids

The Ugly
The GCI. You can see how bad it is in this movie 
The director just really phoning it in. 

After Credits: 2 one before and one after the credits 

Verdict: You are already 35 movies in. Just watch it 


Eventually the cat mechanics will bore you 

Game no: 483
Genre: Adventure 
Platform: PS5 
Release Date: 2022

Stray is a game where you play as a cat in a post apocalyptic setting where humans are gone and robots have taken over. You are task to explore the world and figure out how to escape. That basically it this game basically lets you do cat things. From a guy who has 5 cats it is true to what it says. The cat can do almost what a cats does which includes, sleeping, scratching the carpets and sofa, drinking and doing cat things. The only thing that it can do is lie flat on the belly and wait for someone to give him a rub.

This game is a linear game where every time you reach a new area you are task to do some fetch quests in order to progress further. While the areas are small, there is no map and you can get lost pretty easily since everything looks the same (neon red and dark). You have a robot companion that helps you along the journey but it's basically a one sided conversation because the cat doesn't talk. The robots however provide some good inside with limited amount of dialogue given. There are also the bad guy, the look like those small leech creatures from Half-life where they will latch on to you until you die. So there are moments where you need to escape from a horde of them and that is trilling since you only have a split second to think about the next move. 

The issue with this game is unless you are really invested in the story, there is really no incentive for you to stay on. The cat mechanics after a while become a bore to me and it's doesn't help that the environments doesn't tell you what to do and leaves you guessing what is next. On a side note of the story, I still don't get it after finishing the game. It left me with more questions than answers which I really don't like in a game without any narration. But that's how it was design was I can't fault them on that. 

In the end, Stray is a great cat simulator game. You'll grow to love the cat and want to root for him but the gameplay is not that fun. Good thing is that this game is short clocking in under 4 hours or 7 if you want to explore everything. I'll give this game a B-Rank and it is a good play for one weekend  

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


Like my daughter said, I am late to the party 

What is it about?
It is about a magical family and one of them who has yet to discover her gift 

The Good 
This movie is a fun romp
Musical numbers are awesome 
There is a message behind the story 
This is the first movie without a bad guy

The Bad
Nothing. I enjoyed the movie 

The Ugly 
Nothing as well

After Credits: No 

Verdict: One of the best movies this year 

The Rescue

 One of the best real world stories I've seen 

What is it about?
About how a worldwide effort save a group of kids 

The Good 
The story is fill will real world footage and interviews
The rescue is so dangerous, it is amazing how they manage it 
They showed what happens after the rescue

The Bad
Nothing, it is a documentary 

The Ugly

After Credits: No 

Verdict: A must watch 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

One of the best Kirby games I've played 

Game no: 482
Genre: Action 
Platform: Nintendo Switch 
Release Date: 2022

When I first saw the promo of this game it looks like Kirby in an open world setting and everything looks so bleak and dark. After playing this game I can say that this game is not what I expect and I was presently surprise. This game started in a lost city where Kirby has to navigate after being thrown there. The Waddle-Dee's are lost somewhere and it is up to Kirby to find them. 

Kirby has the same Kirby abilities which is flying and sucking other bad guys to get their powers. The powers that are available are, cutter, bomb, giant sword, needle (my favorite), ice, fire, driller, hammer gun and sleep (no idea what this do). You get chances to upgrade them to three levels by finding scrolls and stars. What makes this game different is that Kirby has a new ability which is the mouthful mode where Kirby can swallow objects but it only just fills his mouth. The things that you can make mouthful is cars, pipes, sign, awning, rollercoaster, trucks, stairs, lightbulb, cherry picker. This makes the gameplay much more fun and more variety. For every Waddle-dee you save, they will be transported to the town and with each one you unlock fun minigames to play. A nice distraction

 There is nothing much I didn't like about this game. It has a difficulty mode which helps when the bosses gets to hard. Some abilities do break the game which I don't mind. To get the true ending you need to rescue every waddle-dee to get the 100% ending. In the end I finish the game with the normal ending with 46% of the game completed. This game will be in one of my top 10 games of the year due to simplistic nature and fun gameplay. And of course it's Kirby. Who doesn't like Kirby. I give this game a S-Rank


 Freaky friday with a deadly twist 

What is it about?
A teenage girl and a serial killer switch bodies.

The Good
The story is gory and funny at the same time
It a simple story but you'll enjoy every moment of it. 

The Bad 
Nothing much. 

The Ugly
Nothing much. It is not the best movie but it's not the worse 

After Credit: No 

Verdict: Love this movie. 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Things that happen in September


My brother and family came to visit (Sept 3) 

Helped dad in law take care of his shop (Sept 26)



Memorable moments 

Haji friends came to visit (Sept 10)

Unmemorable moments 

Going to the emergency room. Wife wasn’t doing so good (Sept 6) 

H1 friends dad passed away (Sept 14)




Mom in law (Sept 3)

Dad in law (Sept 5)

Mom (Sept 7)

Haji friends (Sept 10)


Toast (Sept 1)

Toast (Sept 12)

Fried rice (Sept 15)

Roti canai (Sept 17) 

Nasi dagang (Sept 18)

Makcik (Sept 20


Curry Chicken (Sept 1)

Chicken Rice (Sept 2)

Pasta carbonara (Sept 3)

Leftovers (Sept 4)

Kuey tiow and nasi kerabu (Sept 5)

Leftovers (Sept 6)

Nasi Kandar and pie (Sept 7)

Leftovers (Sept 8) 

Porridge (Sept 10)

Leftovers (Sept 11)

Butter chicken (Sept 12) 

Leftovers (Sept 13)

Butter chicken (Sept 14)

Leftovers (Sept 15)

McDonald’s (Sept 17) 

Leftovers (Sept 18)

Mixed rice (Sept 19)

Curry prawn and soy chicken (Sept20)

Fish and chips (Sept 21)

Mixed rice (Sept 22)

Curry mee (Sept 23)

Mixed riced (Sept 24)

Masak lemak and soup (Sept 25)

Leftovers (Sept 26)

Mixed rice (Sept 27)

Mee curry (Sept 28)

Bread (Sept 29)

Chicken Soto (Sept 30)


Leftovers (Sept 1)

Myburgerlab (Sept 2)

Chicken soup with rice (Sept 3)

Leftovers (Sept 4)

Minestrone soup (Sept 5) 

Bell pepper pasta (Sept 6)

Leftovers (Sept 7)

Nasi goreng USA (Sept 9) 

Macaroni and Nasi arab (Sept 10)

Leftovers (Sept 11)

Leftovers (Sept 12) 

Shepherds pie (Sept 13)

Leftovers (Sept 14)

Instant noodles (Sept 15)

Soup and cili chicken (Sept 17)

Leftovers (Sept 18)

Mushroom beef ragu (Sept 19)

Instant noodles (Sept 21)

Chicken and beef wrap (Sept 22)

Dim sum (Sept 23)

Tuna sandwich (Sept 24)

Leftovers (Sept 25)

Noodles (Sept 26)

Fish (Sept 27)

Leftovers (Sept 28)

Noodles (Sept 29)

Chicken leftovers (Sept 30)


Apple Crumble (Sept 10) 

Eat out: 1

Groceries: 1




New Stuff 


Family Guy season 20 (Awesome show as usual)

FBI (Awesome show. Something easy to watch)

FBI Most wanted (Better than FBI, change of cast is great)