A great game but the mechanics not so much
Genre: Platfomer
Platform: SNES
Release Date: 1995
A great game but the mechanics not so much
Genre: Platfomer
Platform: SNES
Release Date: 1995
This is how legends starts
What is it about?
It's a story about ones promise to someone
The Good
The story is slow but it actually helps to build character
The story takes a great turn at the end
It shows one struggle to fight his inner demons
The Bad
Really the story is slow. There will be some parts you don't quite understand what is going on.
The Ugly
They talk in riddles
After Credits: Yes? No? I don't know. There is a scene but I don't know where does it relates too
Verdict: It is not for everyone but it is an interesting movie
Amazing graphics for a SNES game
Game no: 461
Genre: Racing
Platform: SNES
Release Date: 1994
This game is amazing if you see the youtube in making it
Game no: 460
Genre: Fighting
Platform: SNES
Release Date: 1996
This is a fun racing game
Game no: 459
Genre: Racing
Platform: SNES
Release Date: 1996
An isometric rally game
Genre: Racing
Platform: SNES
Release Date: 1994
I can see why this movie flop
What is it about?
The origin story of one of the most awesome GIJOE character
The Good
Action scene is not bad
The Bad
The story is quite bland
The Joes make a cameo but it doesn't make any impact
The Ugly
I think it was meant to be a trilogy but don't think there would be another one
Only wore the suit at the last 2 minutes
After Credits: Yes
Verdict: It was an ok movie
What the heck did I just watch
What is it about?
Nic Cage needs to travel to the land of the dead to get someone
The Good
I like Nic Cage
The Bad
Everything else. This movie doesn't make sense.
The script is incoherent
The story is all over the place
The visual is either you hate or you like it. And I don't like i t
The Ugly
Why does everyone talks like they are 6 years old?
After credits: No
Verdict: Don't watch this
Well it's a better sequel
Game no: 458
Genre: Platformer
Platform: PS4
Release Date: 2017
There are a couple things that I didn't like. The skill tree takes forever to build up. I think this game meant to be played twice. The story is okay and also spends multiple months which is strange for a game. There is a scene where you are stuck for 4 months. In the end the game is just a nice game to play. I played this game until the end credits and I give this game a B-rank which is good enough to entertain you.
Disney done it again with another ride movie
What is it about?
Explorers in search of the tree that can cure anything
The Good
The movie is surprisingly fun to watch
The Rock is funny or tries to be funny in this one
The Bad
The chemistry between The rock and blunt doesn't quite work or it looks weird
The brother is there just to be annoying
The Ugly
Why do they need to have bad guys in this which I don't understand the backstory about
After Credits: No
Verdict: An enjoyable movie from start to finish
This movie pacing is weird
What is it about?
A girl who gets agitated when she gets angry
The Good
Action is great
Movie is fast
The Bad
The plot sucks
The ending sucks
The Ugly
Nothing much
After Credits: No
Verdict: Don't waste your time
This game is bonkers
Game no: 457
Genre: Racing
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: 2017
Family Mom left back home and she was not feeling well (Feb 2) The 4 kittens got vaccinated (Feb 8) Sister in law is back and brought sugar treats (Feb 11) Celebrated wife’s birthday with Lunch and movie (Feb 20) Cats were lost only to find that they were sleeping (Feb 20) Mom left her charger in the city went to go get it (Feb 22) Father in law got covid and May ineffectively infect the whole family (Feb 26)