Game no: 439
Genre: Action
Platform: PS$
Release Date: 2015
What is about?
Lara seeks to find what his father failed too
What I liked?
More of the same tomb raider gameplay but since this time she is not surviving against the elements and the people it seems like another action game.
Combat is fast paced and the enemy AI is really challenging even in easy mode
The story is okay. Nothing too special but it is enjoyable
Using the bow and arrow
The DLC is fun but I wasn't interested in the story
What I didn't liked?
The map is not as open world and you use the save points to travel from one place to another. The problem for me is that there is no incentive to go exploring away from the main story path
Upgrading takes a while
The last puzzle was very confusing
Status: Finish the main game and the DLC
Fun Factor: If you love the first game you will like this one as well