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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

King Kong

 A 1976 reimagining of a classic movie 

What is it about?
Classic King Kong tale retold again 

The Good
The King Kong effect is amazing for that period of time 
Jessica Lange.. didn't know she acted before this 
Story is okay

The Bad
The story is a bit draggy.. I can't explain why but it is 
Some of the characters are just plain annoying 

The Ugly
Really King Kong is a misunderstood character. They should really need to try a different story 

After Credits: No

Verdict: It's an okay movie I guess. Nothing special 

Rocky Balboa

 A nice send off for a beloved character

What is it about?
It's been more than a decade and Rocky decides to get back in the ring

The Good
The story has a lot of heart
It sad that he is actually suffering from inside
The fight scene is actually great

The Bad
The girl character really doesn't need to be in the story
Sucks what happens to Adrian 

The Ugly
Nothing much 

After Credits: Yes

Verdict: If you love the Rocky movies you are going to love this one  

Day 67

Burpees: 14 minutes 52 seconds 

Hiit: 4 reps 

Breakfast: Skip 

Lunch: mixed rice 

Dinner: Arab rice

Sweets: fruits 

Body: Doesn’t hurt that much 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Day 66

Burpees: 100 burpees only today in 14 minutes 53 seconds 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Chicken rice 

Dinner: bread with chicken 

Sweets: cendol ice cream

Body: tired yesterday... today let’s do it

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Day 65

Burpees: today I incorporated the burpees in the gym training 

Gym: 6 different exercises + 20 mins cardio 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Yong Tau foo 

Dinner: rice with egg and duck 

Sweets: Watermelon lychee juice 

Body: hurts due to the different exercises 

Day 64

Burpees: 13 mins 12 seconds 

Hiit: 4 rounds 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Sandwiches 

Dinner: Hotel buffet 

Sweets: A lot of pastries and juice 

Body: Some parts hurt 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Day 63

Weight: 80.6kg (+0.1kg) 

Burpees: 14 minutes 2 seconds

Hiit: 3 reps 

Breakfast: skip

Lunch: mixed rice + soup

Dinner: Korean fried chicken with rice 

Sweet: Lychee and mango juice 

Body: it hurts again 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Day 62

Burpees: 14 mins 35 seconds

Hiit training: 4 reps 

Breakfast: fish crackers + fruit
Lunch: Chicken rice
Dinner: Chicken rice 

Sweet: fruits 

Body: hurts from the boxing 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Day 61

Burpees: 14 minutes 10 seconds 

Hiit: 3 Reps. Supposed to be 4 but I was too tired

Muay Thai: Started a trial class of Muay Thai boxing. It was awesome. Maybe I should join next week

Breakfast: Skip
Lunch: Tosay Masala and fried noodles
Dinner: A piece of toast

Sweets: 1/4 speculoos crossaint

Body: today I am super tired

Day 60

Burpees: 13 minutes

Hiit: 3 reps

Breakfast: Skip
Lunch: Mixed rice with patin fish
Dinner: Mixed Rice 

Sweets: Fruits

Body: Like normal

Duck Souls +

No that's not a typo

Game no: 377
Genre: Platformer
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: 2018

What is it about?
Basically you play as a duck who needs to collect 100 eggs

What I liked?
It's a very precise platformer where each wrong step can spell death
Game changes with every 10 stages. Each with a different mechanic you need to master

What I didn't liked?
Some stages are so frustratingly hard 

Status: Finish all 100 stages 

Verdict: It a fun game if you don't have anything to play

007 Agent Under Fire

So let's start playing a lot of PS2 games with my GPD Win Max

Game no: 376
Genre: FPS
Platform: PS2
Release Date: 2001

What is it about?
It's a standalone James Bond adventure with a Bond that is not based from the movies 

What I liked?
Lots of weapons to choose from
Auto aiming 
Manual aiming
Gadgets, lots of gadgets 
Driving sections is cool
Voice acting 
Bond moments

What I didn't liked?
First person controls are a bit weird. The controls are too sensitive and there is no dual analogue setup
If you die, you'll end up back at the start which is going to be super frustrating since the stages are long.

Status: Finish the game 

Fun Factor: It a serviceable game for a James Bond movie. Worth checking out

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Day 59

Burpees: 13 minutes 05 seconds 

Hiit: 3 times 

Breakfast: fish crackers 
Lunch: leftover fried rice 
Dinner: Fruits and leftover ramen 
Sweets: Fruits 

Body: Getting there but not there yet 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Rocky V

 Finally the ending of a saga

What is it about?
Rocky can't fight anymore and is about to train the next generation of fighters

The Good
The story is actually quite good. It's different from the previous Rocky movie
There is more heart in this movie. Same like the first movie.
The final fight is different from previous fights

The Bad
His son storyline in my opinion shouldn't be there but it is there for the heart moment
The fight promoter is so annoying 

The Ugly
Nothing much

After Credits: No

Best to worse Rocky
Best: Rocky III -> I -> II -> V -> IV Worse

Verdict: A great end to a good boxing classic 

Rocky IV

During the cold war era I guess

What is it about?
Rocky now has to fight Russia for America's honor I guess

The Good
The fight scene is always great
The training sequence this time are in the snow 

The Bad
Everything else. It's a short story but they manage to drag it for close to 2 hours
The middle fight is just there for show. Really such a waste.

The Ugly
This movie I think its the worse among the Rocky movies

After Credits: No

Verdict: Can be avoided. It is the same like the other Rocky movie but with a worse storyline

Day 58

Burpees: 14 minutes 24 seconds 

Hiit: 3 reps 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: KFC 

Dinner: Chicken fried rice 

Sweets: Skip

Body: No change 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Day 57

Burpees: 16 minutes 10 seconds

Hiit: 3 reps 

Breakfast: Toast and fish crackers 

Lunch: Mixed rice with patin fish 

Dinner: myburgerlab 

Sweets: Ice Creams 

Body: getting slower 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Day 56

Weight: 80.5 (-0.4kg)

Burpees: 15 minutes 57 seconds 

HIIT: Getting faster

Breakfast: Banana and fish crackers
Lunch: Chicken + rice and veggies
Dinner: same as lunch + pratha

Sweets: Fruits

Body: 50 burpees before getting tired. So it is working 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Rocky III

So far the best in the series 

What is it about?
Rocky has become famous and a lot of people wants his title

The Good
The opening song pumps you up for whats to come
Story is fast paced and there are no long draggy scene
A scene with Hulk Hogan. That was just weird 
The training scene is better than the previous movie 

The Bad
Well this story is really simple enough to understand. So I don't think there is nothing too bad

The Ugly
Nothing much 

After Credits: No but interesting enough it doesn't end after the final fight. There is a short 2 min scene on what happens next

Verdict: The best Rocky movie so far. Worth a watch

Rocky II

The underdog story continues 

What is it about?
Follows the events of the first movie.

The Good
Shows what the progression of a nobody to becoming a somebody and back to be a nobody again
He talks much better now than the first movie 
The boxing fight is really good
I like the training sequence 

The Bad
It's 50 mins of nothing that relates to boxing. It's really slow

The Ugly
Nothing much 

After Credits: No

Verdict: If you like the first movie, you will enjoy the second even though it's  a bit slow

Day 55

Burpees: 17 minutes 08 seconds. So if i do 20 reps I will get tired the next rounds. So better stick with 10

Hiit: Today is a bit slower than yesterday 

Breakfast: A banana
Lunch: Mixed rice
Dinner: Malaysian Tapas

Sweets: Fruits

Body: It just feels stagnant but my stamina is still not increasing. Better continue on I guess

Day 54

Burpees: 15 minutes 54 seconds 

Hiit: Getting better and shorter

Breakfast: Snacking a lot of junk 

Lunch: Fried Rice 

Dinner: Smoked duck and sushi 

Sweets: Fruits 

Body: Great 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Day 53

Burpees: 14 minutes 34 seconds 

HIIT: 3 reps 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Sushi 

Dinner: Rice + egg + percik chicken 

Sweets: None 

Body: I feel no different 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Day 52

Burpees: 13 mins with 20 continuous 

Hiit. Trying to just skip it as fast as I can but that’s not the way

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Ramen and dumplings 

Dinner: rice with butter chicken  

Sweet: None 

Body: Still haven’t recovered by I’m getting there 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Day 51

Burpees: 15 mins 21 seconds 

Hiit: 3 rounds 

Breakfast: skip

Lunch: rice with beef soup

Dinner: burger with cheese and hash brown (this is what cause my food poisoning)

Sweets: none

Body: I’m sick since Saturday. Been vomiting and high fever. So need to take a break until I can regain my full strength. 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Day 50

Burpees: 14 minutes 23 seconds. 82 burpees with 18 on hiit 

Hiit: it’s getting better 

Breakfast: Skip 

Lunch: Mixed Rice 

Dinner: two piece of toast with hotdogs 

Sweets: None 

Body: getting there. Stamina is getting better 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Gravity Duck

 The smallest game on my switch 

Game no: 375
Genre: Platfomer  
Platform: Nintendo Switch 
Release Date: 2019

Gravity.Duck - Universal - HD Gameplay Trailer - YouTube

Gravity Duck Review | Bonus Stage - Over 5150 Video Game Reviews

What is it about?
Is about a duck who has the power to control gravity (like the title says) 

What I liked?
Gameplay is easy enough to understand. Go from point A to point B 
Needs to be precise because you'll die a lot
It's fun

What I didn't like?
Well the music is on an endless loop
The game is really short (which is a good thing I guess)
The ending scene is only 3 seconds 

Status: Finish the game until the end 

Fun Factor: Unless you have nothing else to play. I suggest you play this 


A tale how an underdog got his chance. 


What is about?
A story about a boxer who got his one in a million shot

What I liked?
I can see why this movie won a academy award. It really a story about heart.

What I didn't liked?
This story is too long and some of the plot doesn't even make a difference to move the plot point forward
Oh my god, Sylvester Stallone really needs a speech doctor. He slurs his speeches and I really can't understand what is he saying
The final fight isn't that great but it's in 1975 so we can't fault that

After Credits: No

Verdict: Can skip. This movie doesn't hold up in my opinion 

Day 49

Weight: 80.9 (- 1.7kg) 

Burpees: 14 min 48 seconds. 40/40/20 reps with 3 mins rest 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Baked Salmon, Potato Wedges and Sauteed Peas

Dinner: Toast with salmon and peas 

Sweets: Fruits

Body: I'm still way off

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Day 48

Burpees: 15 mins 05 seconds. I olthink rest is a must it w Awww ill help my energy Recover

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: burgers and nachos 

Dinner: chicken katsu sandwich 

Sweet: Fruits 

Body: getting there

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Day 47

Burpees: 18 mins 58 seconds. 10 reps, rest 45 seconds 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Mixed rice 

Dinner: Slice of bread with scrambled eggs + mushrooms 

Sweets: Fruits 

Body: I’m getting use to it but needs to go faster 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Monty Python and The Holy Grail

 What the heck did I just watched?


What is it about?
Is a about the knights of the round table and the quest in finding the Holy Grail

The Good 
The comedy is spot on funny
The way the shot this is like they shot it all in one take 
Effects are downright funny 

The Bad
It a movie with very limited budget since the animation looks worse than stop motion 
Some of the jokes didn't land that much 
No idea what is this about?

The Ugly
The ending... why...

After credits: No

Verdict: Watch it once. It really amazing 

Note: Special thanks to my friend from Florida, T for recommending this to me 

Star Trek The Next Generation

 This series is amazing 

Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV Series 1987–1994) - IMDb

Seasons: 7
Episodes: 178
Aired: 1987 - 1994

What is it about?
A new Enterprise with a new crew and a whole new adventure 

What I liked?
Every character has a chance to shine. Character development aplenty 
The stories dealt with deep philosophical thinking
The funny moments happen and it is not to jarring
Memorable characters

What I didn't liked?
Any episodes than involved the Klingon. Too much politics 
The Enterprise doesn't shine too much. There are episodes but few and far between
La Forge has the least character development

Memorable episodes 
Captain Picard lived a lifetime in 25 mins
The whole enterprise became brainwashed
The Death of Tasha Yar
Captain Picard get abducted by the borg

Verdict: First time watching it and I love it. A must watch for any sci fi fan

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Day 46

Burpees: 17 minutes 18 seconds 

HIIT: Faster that last time with less rest 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Fried rice with chicken 

Dinner: Laksa Sarawak 

Sweets: Vienetta Ice Cream

Body: I’m getting used to it. After day 50 need let to step it up

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Day 45

Burpees: 19 mins 30 seconds. I do notice that if I do it continuous it will be slower

Breakfast: English muffin with butter
Lunch: Nasi kukus with fried chicken
Dinner (Late): Fried chicken with English muffin

Sweet: Malaysian cakes

Body: Hanging in there.

Day 44

Burpees: 15 mins 18 seconds

HIIT: Getting faster but still can't do 3 continuous rounds

Breakfast: Skip
Lunch: Nasi Lemak
Dinner: Dim Sum

Sweets: Mango puree

Body: Nothing hurts but I am still not fast enough

Friday, September 4, 2020

Day 43

Burpees: 19 mins 45 seconds 

Breakfast: Skip

Lunch: Roasted chicken with roasted veggies 

Dinner: Roasted chicken with roasted veggies 

Sweets: None 

Body: no idea. It’s all a blur now 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Day 42

Weight: 82.6kg (+1.3kg) 

Burpees: 15 mins 50 seconds 

Breakfast: skip
Lunch: chicken puff with lamb briyani 
Dinner: mushroom soup with garlic toast 

Sweets: None 

Body: Long way to go

Day 41

Burpees: Continuous in 19min 55 seconds 

Breakfast: skip

Lunch: steak and duck with fries 

Dinner: Fried chicken 

Sweets: Ice cream and Starbucks 

Body: Need to get better at it 


The first movie in the cinema and I can say it's amazing


What is it about?
The only to tell it without spoiling anything is that it involves time

The Good
The story may seem confusing at times but the main plot is easy enough to understand 
The special effects are awesome and really amazing to look at
All of the actors really bring their A game. 

The Bad
What the heck is this story about. I mean the confusion is always part of every Nolan movie but this one really takes the cake. You'll spend time understanding where everything goes and how did it all come together 

The Ugly
I really don't understand the concept of going back in time for that long 

After Credits: No

Verdict: One of the most refreshing movies I watch in a while. Worth to be seen again 


So I am doing a thing where I watch old movies that I've never watch and would want to try to watch before. Let's start with Jaws

 Jaws (1975) - IMDb

What is it about?
The town of Amityville is been terrorize by a Shark

The Good
The shark looks terrifying for 1975
I love the score
The movie is simple enough

The Bad
Oh my god the story is so boring. I mean does old movies need to be this long?
I understand that special effects is expensive but you only get the see the shark at the last minute. That sucks 

The Ugly
Nothing much 

After Credits: No

Verdict: Watch the clips on youtube

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Day 40

Burpees: 16 mins 44 seconds

HIIT: Getting better but after the 3rd rep everything becomes wobbly 

Breakfast: Toast

Lunch: Steaks and smoke duck with fries

Dinner: Fried Chicken 

Sweet: Coconut ice cream wit some mango matcha tea

Body: Now I have 60 days to build up stamina. I wonder what will happen after 2 months  

Things that happen in August

August has come and gone and boy it has been an awesome month for me. Where to start. From the beginning I say.  Let's start with I finally got Forza Horizon 4 running on my pc (for a steal). We found a new place to eat. It's a place that has no other commercial area. In the middle of nowhere there lies a steak place wedge between a Japanese Restaurant and a Teppanyaki place. The food was amazing and made to order. I had the steak and smoked duck breast. Awesome stuff. My cats are back from the vet and they are feeling better. Which is great since I miss them. Patches really needs to go on a diet. More of the weekend is spend going out to eat with the family. Nothing that special but I always love great food. The losing weight is in full gear. It hard but as they say, no pain no gain. My youngest has a playdate for a couple of days for this month which is cool. Is just right before school going to start which is in September. I got a date with my youngest which is quite rare since its always me and the both of them. If not mistaken that my eldest has a playdate with her friend. We had sushi together and just goof around. Which is cool. One day we were bored we drive 2 hours to the beach just in time to watch the sunset and take some beautiful photos. 

Making friends and sharing pictures from all over the world is usually the plan of the day. Nothing special. Sharing those moments and meeting new friends is an awesome experience.Mostly mundane stuff that happen nothing worthwhile to be reported  As for the friends part it has been a roller coaster. A friend that I made last month, just a couple of days ago just ended contact with me. He is been having some problems with his study and he needs some time alone. The good news is that he told me in person before ending it. He said he will be back but I am not counting on it. Another friend that I care about deeply is making me sad so sometimes I just wonder how come friends can do that to other friends. The problem with me is no matter how many times people hurt me I'll still come back to them. I think it just how I am built I guess. One of my closest friends got covid. She and her daughter which sucks. Hopefully they are in the recovery stages now.  Ok enough of the bad news. Good news I made 3 new friends this month and probably I am not going to make any for a while since these 3 are awesome. First is a girl L from New Zealand. She has issues but she has time. We sometimes spends time talking on the phone. It's great. Next is M form New Jersey. She is older than me but it's nice to get someone to talk to every now and again. She seems to be enjoying the pictures from home and finally the best for last M from Minnesota. I started not know who she is but I kept the text since she is an interesting person. I don't know why but I love sharing my day (right before I go to sleep) and also one long message. She is busy with life but when I do get her it is special. So I am done in the friend department and just enjoy every time I have with all of them 

Went to my wife aunt's house for a party. My eldest decided to stay there since the aunt offered. She was on the intermittent fasting as well. It seems that went out of the table when she was there. Oh well. Hopefully she can get back down her weight. My birthday is coming soon. Well nothing special but I get to spend time with my best friend for a couple hours. We catch up on life which is awesome. I cherish this more than any other gift that I ever got. Oh I didn't get any gifts for my birthday. Never been a thing and I am okay with it. All the people who I love wished me happy birthday so I am good. It's nice to be remembered even though is for a day. Oh yeah I did get a gift from my youngest. She gave me a card and a medal saying i'm a winner. In what? I am not sure but I 'll take it. There was a time that I didn't feel like cooking so just brought the kids outside. School is almost starting so there is a lot of fees that needs to be settled. Today me and the wife decided to leave the kids at their grandparents and watch a movie after 6 months. Movie and food was awesome. The not awesome part is that my wife had a depressive mood breakdown way early in the morning so that's a bummer. Hey you win some and you lose some I guess.