An interesting game about perspective
Game no: 373
Genre: Puzzle
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: 2019
What is it about?
You are a participant in a dream study where to escape you need to see everything in a different perspective.
What I liked?
The puzzles are fun and it does test your brain to think of the solutions differently
The story while there is not too much. It is just the right amount.
You'll end up in the empty room and it is a satisfying to figure out how to get out of it
A 3D picture that actually looks flat in a different perspective
I love the final message of the game
What I didn't liked?
Some of the puzzle are just too complicated and they come without any directions. You do end up frustrated at times
The final chapters are some of the loopiest things that you can experience. You'll end up stuck in certain places.
Status: Finish the game until the credits
Fun Factor: It is a short and fun puzzle game.