It's this one of the best games ever?
Game no: 304
Genre: Action (Metriodvania)
Platform: SNES
Released Date: 1994
Factory Sealed: 116
What is it about?
Directly after the events of the the first Metroid. Play as Samus Aran, bounty hunter determine to stop everyone from getting
What I liked?
- Exploring planet Zebes is awesome. The difference about Metroid and Castlevania is their world map shows where is the opening. Metroid games just show a block and you need to explore the whole are yourself.
- The game slowly gets you started with minimal weapons and you slowly build up your arsenal by finding upgrades from rooms and hidden walls.
- 8 way directional shooting makes more precision in shooting enemies but the enemies move all around means getting a clear shot sometimes proves difficult.
- Each bosses have certain hit points to destroy them makes fighting them fun and exciting
- The final boss is awesome. There are no text in the game but it manage to convey a very good ending
What I didn't liked?
- Getting lost... This game doesn't have a waypoint system. You'll end up going in circles finding what you need to do until it hits you where should you be going.
- Wall jumping.. Oh my god wall jumping sucks. I have no idea how those people does the speed running for this game. It requires a lot of precision and patience
Status: Finish the game in 7 hours 11 minutes and 66% complete
Fun Factor: It is one of the best Metroid games I've played. Worth to be played at least once