I love the music of the game
Game no: 295
Genre: Action
Platform: SNES
What is it about?
You travel around the world to fight Dracula
What I Liked?
The music is awesome. The starting music is one the best castlevania music ever
The action is slow but precise. You need to clear the stage in 10 minutes.
The whip is multi directional which makes it easier to kill enemies.
Your amour and whip can be upgraded.
The cross is the best weapon available.
What I didn't liked?
The slow paced of the game makes its a frustrating when you move and miss a hit
Your health is one full bar and food is few and far between.
The jumps need to be timed precisely. You'll end up falling down a lot.
Status: Finish the game until the end
Fun Factor: Great game to be played at least once