I've played this game before the database was created
Game no: 294
Genre: FPS
Platform: PC
What is it about?
Play as a soldier who travels to locations in order to prevent World War 3
What I liked:
The storyline is awesome, there are some high stakes that are involve in this game
Varied segments between guns, rocket launchers, planes and snipers
Multiple guns with different fire rate
What I didn't like
Call of Duty was design with pushing forward in mind. The story won't change unless you move forward. So you can inch you way slowly to victory
There is no objective marker on the map. There is one on the compass, sometimes you need to hit it precisely to trigger another event
Enemies that come to you from multiple angles.. Sometimes you don't know what happen to you
Status: Finish the main campaign
Fun Factor: Worth to be played for the storyline