There is a lot of stuff to talk about
Game no: 287
Genre: Action
Platform: PS4
Hours played: 10+
There are 6 different DLC packs, each with different storylines
Gameplay: Consist of 2 sections which is the melee hand to hand fighting and the sneaking section
Harley Quinn DLC Pack
What is it about?
Harley is hired by the Penguin to break Ivy out of jail
What's different:
Detective mode is called Psychosis where everything has only lines
Harley doesn't have a silent takedown mode
She doesn't use a grappling hook but instead jumps very high
Her gadgets consists of birthday string, jack in the box (bomb) and laughing gas
Just banter between her and the Penguin, that's about it
Fun Factor: It's over in less than 1 hour.
Red Hood DLC Pack
What is it about?
Red Hood is trying to stop weapons shipment by the Black Mask
What's different:
He has dual wielding pistol and can avoid gunshots
Nothing special about it.
Fun Factor: Its over after an hour
Batgirl: A Matter of the Family
What is it about?
Years before Akrham Asylum, the Joker kidnaps Gordon and is up to Batgirl and Robin to save him
What's different:
There are bomb diffusing segments
Her detective mode is a yellow tint
The stage is one big fun fair with 3 stages.
Story: The Joker and Harley is there and there are good interactions between Batgirl and Robin.
Fun Factor: The best among the rest of the DLC
Nightwing: GCPD
What is it about?
The penguin trying to escape the GCPD and it's up to Nightwing to stop them
What's different:
A section of the GCPD is available
Nightwing escrima stick are awesome
Story: We get to find out what happens to the rest of the crew after the end of Arkham Knight
Fun Factor: It's a short game, done after an 1 hour
Catwoman's Revenge
What's is it about?
Catwoman is trying to get her revenge from the Riddle due to the events of Arkham Knight
What's different:
Nothing much... There is just one small riddle in the game
Story: Riddle talks to catwoman on the phone
Fun Factor: This game is frustrating at one point. You will die multiple times
Robin Flip of a coin
(Picture not available)
What is it about?
Robin tries to stop Two-Face after he broke out of jail
What's different:
Robin stick can deflect bullets
Story: After Barbara and Tim got married so they talk a lot
Fun Factor: One of the good ones. The game is also around 1-2 hours