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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Year End Review 2017

2017 has come and gone. Lets see how did we do this year.


This year has been the most of gaming for the whole year. I did start on the phase one on the all gaming program. Its will take a while

Ps Vita: 8 (↓ 11)
DS: 1
PSP: 2
PC: 2 (↑ 1)
GBA: 2 (↓ 2)
NES: 20 (↑ 12)
iOS: 2 (↓ 7)
SMS: 5
Gameboy: 30
PS4: 1 (↓ 4)
Gamegear: 10
Neogeo: 20
Genesis: 9
Snes: 8

Racing: 8 (↓ 1)
Action: 46 (↑ 16)
Platformer: 17 (↑ 14)
Adventure: 2 (↓ 3)
Shooter: 14 (↑ 9)
Puzzle: 9 (↑ 1)
FPS: 1
Sports: 4 (↑ 4)
Fighting: 14 (↑ 6)
Board: 1
Pinball: 1
Other: 1
RPG: 1 (↔)

Game Played : 120 (344) (↑ 50) 70 (223) (↑ 17)
Finished Game : 95 (281) (↑ 33)

Kirby's Dream Land (100th Action Game)  

Game of the Year

There were a lot of games I've played, some were memorable but these 3 was the best games  that I've played last year

3. Donkey Kong (Gameboy) 

I've heard about this game before but it wasn't until I played it I finally understand why. This game is Mario platforming at it essence. Combine that with 100 of stages and boss battles. You got yourself a solid game that is close to 23 years of age and still holds up again all the other games in the list. 

2. The Wolf Among Us

It seems to be a trend where the first game I've played in the year will be among the top 3 games of my year. The Wolf Among Us is no exception. The storyline is captivating and would leave you guessing until the end. They say that a sequel is in the works for 2018. Let's hope that can top themselves from this masterpiece.

1. Uncharted Lost Legacy 

What can I say. I am a sucker for Uncharted. I thought 2016 was going to be the last Uncharted game that I've played for a while, but it turns out that 2017 they made another Uncharted game. In my opinion this is better than UC4 since the storyline is not that convoluted and the action is subtle. In the end this 10 hour game was an amazing journey and I would not want it to end.   


This year I've been watching a lot of comedies and reruns, probably is because is getting harder to binge a series when your wife doesn't want to watch it as well. I watch when I can 

1041 shows  (↓ 227)

Memorable moments and shows
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine still remains the best comedy series.
  • The Flash was better than Arrow this year. 
  • Rick and Morty season 3
  • Defenders on Netflix 
  • Watch the entire arc of Naruto with my wife 600+ episodes, It was awesome. Finally a promised kept


27 Movies for the year (↑ 4). With some that I watched on bluray.

Movies of the year

3. Coco
2. Baby Driver
1. Spider-man Homecoming

Unrelated = 22 :)  (↓ 16)
Even More Unrelated = 147  (↓ 45)


1. Nintendo Switch


$292.01 (↓ $32.10)


2017 has been the most challenging year for my whole family. Lets list down what happen
  1. Went for an operation to remove a lymphoma at the back of my neck
  2. Not before I found out even that I've met my years KPI, my idiot ceo decided not to give me my bonus 
  3. Quit my job due to lack of appreciation
  4. Kids and wife were in and out of hospital in the month of April
  5. Maid went home.
  6. Got a maid and she turns out to bicker with everyone until we have to send her back
  7. Wife had her appendix removed
  8. Wife's Appendix would got infected and she had to go back to emergency surgery 
  9. Got another maid and turns out she was manipulating us and if we didn't meet her demand she would ran away.
  10. No job means no money  


  1. Kids change to a better and cheaper school
  2. I started doing my postgraduate in October
  3. My wife submitted her final PHD corrections and is waiting for the results.
  4. I got a switch.
  5. Finding out that everyone will miss me when I left the company. I didn't pay for lunch that whole 2 months. 
2017 New Years Resolution

1. Really lose 10kg this time... This time with wife so have to be serious. (Nope didn't happen. I am now 88kg which is bad. My wife however lost 7kg and it shows. Damn it) 

2. Try to find some change in life. (Yup, quitting my job and becoming back a full time house husband and student)

3. Be a better dad. (Yup, I guess I was better than last year) 

4. Balance in life in terms of all the other stuff (Not really, I still do other stuff more than the religious stuff

5. Get the Switch. (Well I didn't, but it was a gift for me so that counts) 

2018 New Years Resolution

1. Third time is the charm... Lose 10 kg... By the time end of 2018 I am going to be 78kg

2. Don't spend to much time gaming. Need to finish part of my masters

3. Better a better person religiously and stop doing the even more unrelated. 

4. Go for at least 3 vacations with the family.

5. Get the GPD Win 2

Happy New Year 2018

Friday, December 29, 2017

Nintendo Switch

I thought I will end this year with nothing new but low and behold my wife and her sister decide to suprised me with this 

I got this on Xmas day. So technically is a xmas present. They bought the grey joycon version with jewel case and a copy of my most wanted game for the year Super Mario Odyssey. 

The moment I booted it up I decided to get a couple of co-op games like Mario Kart, Just Dance 2018 and overcook. Plus Steamworld Dig 2 since it was on sale.

Need to get another Joycon and a memory card. But I am not in a rush to do that. Need to funds for this cool item first.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle

The classic movie returns with new challenges and adventures

What is it about: Jumanji has returned. The 20 year old movie is re imagined by becoming a video game. I wonder what system does it plays on?

The good:
- This movie is epic hilarious. Rather than make a serious Jumanji movie, they knew that withthese actors, a comedy would fare better
- Jack Black and Kevin Hart stole the show
- The dick jokes are not campy
- They follow the rules of normal gameplay, with health, NPC and power ups
- The movie is fast paced and each scene is a different check point

The bad:
- The change the Jumanji formula where we need to play the board and solve the riddles from it. Makes the game less suspenseful
- Not enough comedic moments with the Rock
- The bad guy is underwhelming
- The really need to do a prequel about how the game was made.

The Ugly:
- Nothing much

After Credits: No

Verdict: It was the first movie where we brought the big and small kid in. They enjoy it very much. There were some loud scene but it was an enjoyable movie nontheless.

Contra Hard Corps

I think this game is one of its kind

Game no: 281
Genre: Shooter
Platform: Genesis

Image result for contra hard corps Related image

Difficulty: Hard 

What is it about: A standard contra game but with an actual storyline 

What's great: 
- 4 different characters with different play styles
- 5 different powerups that stay with you until you die. Each power up comes with a different ability
- Story has multiple paths, there is even a part where you can join the enemy

What's not so great: 
- Bosses are hard
- You will die a lot

Music: Ok 

Status: Finish the game with the good ending

Should you play this game: No, this game does not age well. 

Fun Factor: Great art style, decent game

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Make this movie a mandatory watch for all kids

Image result for wonder movie poster

What is it about: Is about a boy who suffers for a genetic disorder that makes him different from the rest of the school kids. Basically is about bullying and acceptance 

The good: 
The story is heartwarming and touching
The story really relates to my kid who having the same issue at school.
All the actors are spot on
The girl who plays via is super cute. 
Even the bully plays the role of the bully well. Since it's a prep school there are not fist fighting. More words
It cuts to a different point of view from different characters 

The bad: 
The movie does a lot of time cuts so, the whole story is not fully told.

The Ugly:
Wanted to see more of the story

After credits: No

Verdict: A good watch and a must to bring the kids too

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

This movie will leave you guessing

Image result for the last jedi poster

What is it about: Continuing after the events of the Force Awakens. We follow our heroes through different journeys in order to stop the upcoming threat of evil

The Good: 
Everything you like from Star Wars is here, Space Battles, Lightsabers, Luke Skywalker, Good vs Evil is all here.
The movie waste no time in giving you the main story without giving any extra filler (except one)
Mark Hamill and Carrier Fisher performance in this movie is at their peak of their career.
There are some jokes and most of them stick the landing.
There is an epic lightsaber scene in the middle of the movie which is awesome.
This movie has a lot of plot twist that you can figure out what is going to happen next.

The Bad:
Everything we want answered in Episode 7 got retconned in episode 8. They didn't continue on the specific questions that fans want answered. Well I want answers: Questions like
1) Who is Rey's parents?
2) Who is Snoke?
3) Why Finn is different that the rest of the Stormtroopers?
There was no training scene in this movie. It is not like Empire where Yoda trained Luke. Is more of the opposite.
The character of Trico Rose was a waste of a good character. She's role is utter pointless in this movie and only serve as exposition.

The Ugly:
The death of the bad guy is very anticlimactic
The gambling planet scene was a waste of good screen time
Basically Finn and Trico act was pointless until the end.
In this movie they did not utilize Poe Damaron as much. In the end he is just left sitting and waiting for it too end.
General Hux character is damn annoying. Unless that's what he was planning to be. In that case. Good job.
Final battle was a let down.
Luke was great but he could have done more

After credit: No but they did give an in memory of for Carrie Fisher

Verdict: Watch this movie since is a great movie with some mishaps but the story is top notch. The best of the original trilogy.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Captain Commando

It turns out it's actually a beat em up

Genre: Action (Beat em up)
Platform: SNES 

Image result for captain commando snes

Difficulty: Hard (even on easy) 

What is it about: You got from area to area and mow down bad guys. 

What's great: 
- Choose from 4 different commandos (Ninja, Mummy, Baby??, Captain)
- Each commando comes with its own special move. The mummy is the best since he does a helicopter rotation 
- Fighting is fast paced and head on 
- If you die you can continue straight from where you left off 

What's not so great:

- You only get two life's and the bosses are very cheap. You'll often die a lot 
- To amp up the challenge, everytime they used their special, you will lose a life. 
- The water stsge is not that great. It breaks you.

Music: So-so
Status: Finish the game but lost to the last boss
Should you play this game: No, I never understand the concept of beat en up. The game is a little bit of fun 

Fun Factor: A great way to waste your time 

Comix Zone

I think this game is one of its kind

Game no: 280
Genre: Action 
Platform: Genesis

Image result for comix zone Related image

Difficulty: Hard 

What is it about: A comic book artist gets  trapped by the bad guy he drew in his own comic.

What's great: 
- Art style is unique. You fight in different panels of the comic 
- Solve puzzles to advance the pages of the comic books
- Use your rat to find hidden items in the comic pages
- Fighting is face pace and there are many different moves to fight your way through 
- Use items such as a knife, bombs, dynamite and the power glove (that turns you into a superhero)

What's not so great: 
- The hitboxes are not that precise. Enemies will block most of your attacks. You'll end up button mashing the game
- Hitting anything that is not moving will cause your energy to drain out. Which makes it frustrating 
- Some requires you to use half of your life bar in order to progress.
- Some of the enemies are cheap 

Music: Ok 

Status: Finish the game with the bad ending. Watch the good ending at YouTube

Should you play this game: No, this game does not age well. If you want to check out the art style, sure why not 

Fun Factor: Great art style, decent game


The heroes name is Blackthrone?? The heck

A very pleasant game. It's been a while since I posted

Game no: 279
Genre: Action
Platform: SNES

Image result for blackthorne snes Image result for blackthorne snes

Difficulty: Moderate 

What is it about: From the makers of Warcraft, the game is about a guy who comes back to his dimension in order to save his kingdom.

What's great: 
- Art style is great. The animation looks smooth
- This game is more metroidvania lite where you need to slove puzzle and gain item in order to advance to the next stage 
- The game requires you to think your next move. So fights are slow pace 
- Different types of weapons and items that does not make the game feel stale 
- Pressing up will make you go in a different plane 

What's not so great: 
- You move damn slow. So sometimes you'll end up get shot at.
- Jumping is also a balancing act. Any wrong move you'll end dropping down
- You don't carry over the items you got from the previous stage which is a bummer  

Music: Ok. Very slow beats 
Status: Beat the game until the final boss 
Should you play this game: no, unless you have nothing else to play 

Fun Factor: A great way to waste your time 

Friday, December 1, 2017


A unique mobile game 

Game no: 278
Genre: Puzzle
Platform: iOS

Related imageRelated image

What is it about?
Is a interactive comic book set in a film noir style where you play as an agent who needs to transfer some documents while avoiding the police. 

What's Great
- You move frames in order to determine the right sequence for the page. 
- Each panel gives different types of animation which is fun to watch at first.
- You can change the frame while the animation is moving. Which is cool 
- Music is great... Lots of smooth jazz.

What's not so great
- There are a lot of trial and error and if you miss a sequence, you need to try again. Watching a 1 minute animation again and again can get tedious
- No idea what's the story is about since there is no dialogue

Great for: Those who like comic books and puzzles 
Not so great for: People who doesn't have any patience. This game moves at a slow pace.

Status: Finish the game 
Fun Factor: A great game to waste your time.