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Sunday, August 31, 2014

New Super Mario Bros 2

Game: New Super Mario Bros 2
Platform: 3DS
Genre: Platformer
First 3 Hours: You can't go wrong with Mario. The game is pretty straightforward. Lots of hidden paths to get star coins. Fun times all around.
What I liked: Golden Tanooki Suit, Stages,
What I didn't liked: Progression based on Star coins is hard
Status: Finish the game with 60 Star coins
Score: 5/5 golden tabookis

Injustice Gods Among Us

Game: Injustice Gods Among Us
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Fighting
First 3 Hours: I'm been playing a lot of this game. Almost close to 72 hours. I still can't beat the impossible battle. It's a good game to pick up and play.
What I liked: Everything
What I didn't liked: WiFi connectivity
Status: Beat all the star labs missions, story mode, now at level 59.
Score 5/5 heat blasts

PlayStation Battle Royale All Stars

Game: PlayStation Battle Royale All-Stars
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Fighting
First 3 Hours: A fighting game like smash but you only have a super move to drop your opponent. It's gets repetitive after a while.  What I liked: Characters.                                What I didn't liked: Gameplay.                   Status: Finished Raiden single.player mode. I'm done.

Score: 3/5 smash moves

Sega Rally Championship

Game: Sega Rally Championship
Platform: PC
Genre: Racing
First 3 Hours: Not applicable
First 5 Minutes: That how long it took to finish the game. This game didn't age well. I remember Sega Rally being slow. But afterr booting it up on my laptop. It damn fast. 3 tracks in 5 minutes. Straightforward enough
Score: 2/5 dirt roads

The Typing of the Dead

Game: The Typing of the Dead
Platform: PC
Genre: Shooter
First 3 Hours: The house of the Dead being made into a keyboard shooter. They should do this if anyone wants to be a great typist.
What I liked: Gameplay
What I didn't liked: Cheap shots
Status: Finish the game in one sitting.
Score: 5/5 keyboards

Mario Kart 7

Game: Mario Kart 7
Platform: 3DS
Genre: Racing
First 3 Hours: Mario Kart. What's not to love. The series has changed over the years. With the addition of gliders it does feel a bit different. It's still good but nowhere close as the DS version.
What I liked: Gameplay, Karts
What I didn't liked: Some tracks are quite boring
Status: Finish one cup. Want to try again
Score: 5/5 karts

Super Mario 3D Land

Game: Super Mario 3D Land
Platform: 3DS
Genre: Platformer
First 3 Hours: Finally got a GW card for my 3DS. The first Nintendo game on my list is the best platform game ever. It didn't disappoint. Awesome stages. Great music
What I liked: Everything
What I didn't liked: Nothing
Score: 5//5 Golden Tanooki

Lumines Electric Symphony

Game: Lumines Electric Symphony
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Puzzle
First 3 Hours: Lumines is a game about connecting 4  or more blocks. It's also part rhythm game.
What I liked: Gameplay, Music, Graphics
What I didn't liked: Difficulty
Status: Played the game till level 35. It had around 80 levels. I'm consider done.
Score: 4/5 blocks

Hot Shots Golf Invitational

Game: Hot Shots Golf Invitational
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Sports
First 3 Hours: It's a simulation golf game with an arcade feel. The courses are great and challenging. This is the first game that made me buy more stuff in the PS store.
What I liked: Courses, Characters, Super shot
What I didn't liked: Difficulty, Wind
Status: Played till the silver cup. Maybe will continue again
Score: 4/5 golf balls

Retro City Rampage

Game: Retro City Rampage
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: A parody of lots of games made into an open world adventure. The idea is great but there sure a lot of things to do.
What I liked: Graphics, Variety of gameplay
What I didn't liked: Backtracking
Status: Played 12 hours of this. Not sure I will want to continue again.
Score: 3/5 pixels

Need For Speed Most Wanted

Game: Need For Speed Most Wanted
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Racing
First 3 Hours: I've played this game but now I'm going to really play all the racers. My goal is to get all cars and racers
What I liked: Everything
What I didn't liked: Nothing
Status: All racers. All cars, 92% complete
Score: 5/5 pursuits

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time

Game: Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: Never played a Sly Cooper game before. This game is quite enjoyable. The storyline is great and the ability to use multiple thieves from multiple times is great
What I liked: Gameplay, Boss fights, Mutiple Sly, Hacking
What I didn't liked: The Murray, Ending
Status: Finish the game in 1 week.
Score: 4/5 Cooper canes

The Walking Dead

Game: The Walking Dead
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Adventure
First 3 Hours: This game has no linear progression. Every decision you make effects the game in the long run. The game test your conscience to make the right decision. But there is no fear of dying.
What I liked: Storyline, Gameplay
What I didn't liked: Ending.
Status: Finish all 5 chapters. Great game
Score: 5/5 Zombies

Mortal Kombat

Game: Mortal Kombat
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Fighting
First 3 Hours: I've played this game in 2010 for the 360. Now playing it for the vita with touch controls. Gameplay is fun as expected.
What I liked: Fighting mechanics, Storyline
What I didn't liked: Touch controls
Status: Finish story mode, Tower challenge, Touch tower challenge, All krypt items unlocked.
Score: 5/5 fatalities


Game: Resogun
Platform: PS4
Genre: Shooter
First 3 Hours: First PS4 review. First PS4 game ever. Resogun is the most beautiful PS4 game I've seen. It's a shooter where you have to get the highest score while saving the civilians
What I liked: Fast paced gameplay, graphics, Boss battles
What I didn't liked: Too short
Status: Finish the game like in a couple of hours. Still a good game to pick up and play.
Score: 5/5 multipliers

PlayStation 4

When the first announced the PS4 at the end of 2013. I was like... meh. Graphics look nice but there probably won't be any good games for it. That change when they showed the trailer for Batman Arkham Knight. After seeing that, I must have this console just for this game.
Fast forward to 2014. My wife decided to surprise me by throwing a birthday party 3 months early. And my gift was a PS4 with a copy of Battlefield 4. Awesome...
After hooking it up, I noticed that I don't like battlefield. So after downloading a lot of free PS+ games. I notice a couple things about the PS4.
1) There are not great must have games... Yet
2) Remote play with the vita only works if the WiFi is good.
3) It's very quiet
4) Updates can be run on standby mode.
5) It's the most beautiful console design since the GameCube.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Killzone Mercenary

Game: Killzone Mercenary
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: FPS
First 3 Hours: This is my first Killzone game. I liked it. The game is easy to pick up and play. Plus the touch controls add a certain element to the game.
What I liked: Gameplay, melee combat, touchscreen controls
What I didn't liked: Length (but got 4 more missions)
Status: Finish the story mode. That's about it
Score: 4/5 grenades

Smart as

IGame: Smart as
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Puzzle
First 3 Hours: This game is basically train your brain. But the thing is that, it trains your brain on how fast you answer the questions. It's a 10 min game that you pick up once a day
What I liked: Puzzles, touchscreen usage
What I didn't liked: brain power is based on how fast you could answer the question
Status: Played the game for 3 months than call it quits
Score: 3/5 brains

Stealth Inc.

Game: Stealth Inc.
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Puzzle
First 3 Hours: A puzzle game with platforming elements. You are a robot that have to navigate obstacles. But you use shadows to avoid detection
What I liked: Puzzles
What I didn't liked: Lasers. Dying
Status: Finish all the levels but didn't have the extra characters
Score: 3/5 lasers

Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate

Game: Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: Batman game on the handheld. Made by the guys who made Metroid Prime (Armature Studios). What's not to like... I was wrong. The game is great. It's like console batman for the handheld. But after to explore the environment. Everything becomes barren. You end up backtracking but there is no bad guys to pound. Everything becomes a tedious chore. But when there Bad guys, you become awesome. The game is a carbon copy of arkham asylum.
What I liked: Gameplay, Storyline, Gadgets
What I didn't liked: World map overview, barren landscape, backtracking
Status: Finish the game with new Game plus in hand. Going to try it again. But not now
Score: 4/5 batarangs

Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed

Game: Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Racing
First 3 Hours: A Mario Kart game from Sega. I was expecting this game to suck. But after I start playing it , I can say the game is better than Mario Kart (not all). The track combines land, sea and air. The tracks are interactive, the characters all have a certain balance. Everyone has a super move that you use to gain the upper hand
What I liked: Tracks, Characters (AGES), the story mode, progression level
What I didn't liked: Weapons,
Status: Finished the game with 180 stars. Got all characters and finish the story mode
Score: 5/5 panzer dragoons

Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots

Game: Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: I started this game in 2013. Played a while... Stop since life got in the way. Now I got a portable Gaems monitor. I've been bringing my PS3 to the office. Love this game...
What I liked: Gameplay, chapter 1,4,5, Boss battles, inventory systems, unlimited ammo, egg frying
What I didn't liked: chapter 2,3, Snake sucks, storyline to convoluted
Status: Finish the game in 1 week. Love the ending. Fitting end to a great series. Even though MGS 5 is coming soon.
Score: 5/5 eggs

Bit.Trip Runner 2

Game:Bit.Trip Runner 2
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Platformer
First 3 Hours: It's part music rhythm game. Part platforming. Awesome music and narrated by the guy who did Mario's voice. The level design are clever. Makes you want to to get all the keys and secrets.
What I liked: Gameplay, Level design, Music, Storyline??
What I didn't liked: Nothing
Status: Finish the game with 85% secrets completed.
Score: 5/5 bit.trips

Urban Trial Freestyle

Game: Urban Trial Freestyle
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Racing
First 3 Hours: Long time ago there was a flash game that share the same gameplay. Fast forward in the future, we have this game. It's fun and challenging. The crashes are epic.
What I liked: The track, the crashes
What I didn't liked: Star progression... Difficulty
Status: Played it half way and stop. Probably bored.
Score: 3/5 diet tracks


Game: Limbo
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Puzzle
First 3 Hours: First game of 2014. This is quite an old game. The art style is monochromatic. It's just a linear game from point A to point B. The puzzles are tricky. It takes a while to get that ah-ha moment.
What I liked: Puzzles
What I didn't liked: length
Status: Finished the game in a couple of days
Score: 5/5 spiders

Year End Review

Lot of great games this year. Hopefully next year will be better. Got my vita this year. So it's my most played console this year. That plus PlayStation+ really got me into the free gaming mood.

Adventure: 2
Action: 13
Racing: 3
FPS: 1
Puzzle: 3
Shooter: 4
Fighting: 2
Platformer: 4

ps3: 5
360: 2
PC: 1
PSP: 9
Vita: 15

Game played: 32
Finished game: 24

Worse Game of The Year: Everyday Shooter
Best Game of The Year: The Last of Us

The Last of Us

Game: The last of us
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: The last game I've played also seems to be the best game for me. The storyline is superb. The gameplay combines metal gear stealth with Uncharted exploration.
What I liked: Storyline, Gameplay,
What I didn't liked: Limited inventory (meets with the survival theme)
Status: Finished the game in normal. 18 hours
Score: 5/5 clickers

Injustice Gods Among Us

Game: Injustice Gods Among Us
Platform: PS3
Genre: Fighting
First 3 Hours: A game where Batman can beat the living shit out of everyone. I'm in. Played though the story mode
What I liked: Fighting mechanics, Destructive environments, Storyline, Combos
What I didn't liked: nothing
Status: Finish the story mode with level 33
Score: 5/5 super moves

Metal Slug XX

Game: Metal Slug XX
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Shooter
First 3 Hours: Love the Metal Slug series. But it damn hard... Good thing they have unlimited lives
What I liked: Gameplay, Weapons
What I didn't liked: Difficulty
Status: Finish it one one sitting
Score: 4/5 Tanks

Friday, August 29, 2014


Game: Machinarium
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Adventure
First 3 Hours: Loved the style of the game. I love to play point and click games. But I feel that it's too damn hard. Most of the time I will rely on cheats. But this game is so open wide that it's hard to understand it.
What I liked: Art, storyline
What I didn't liked: point and click games
Status: Played for a couple of hours with help until I came to a place where I am. It sure where to go
Score: 3/5 nuts

Oddworld Strangers Wrath

Game: Oddworld Strangers Wrath
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: love the concept of an action fps shooter. The game was great at first. Then it became repetitive. The combat also lack depth. Unimpressed
What I like: The FPS element, platforming
What I didn't liked: Ammo, repetitive segments, adventure mode
Status: Played a couple hours of it and call it a day. Didn't touch it since, maybe not anytime soon.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gravity Rush

Game: Gravity Rush
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: I couldn't make heads or tails about this game. First the controls gets a while getting use to. But after that it becomes second nature. Awesome open world gameplay.
What I liked: Storyline, Gameplay, combat
What I didn't liked: Repetitive combat, orientation
Status: Finished the game in 13 hours
Score: 4/5 gravity balls

Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's my birthday today

It's my birthday today. I'm 30 years old. There are things that I already planned to get but that doesn't seem to be happening. It's ok. I feel that I can persevere and hopefully things will be better in the next 10 years. Here is hoping


Watch this movie because my best friend said it was movie of the year for him. Now I know why movie review are subjective. Since this movie is all over the place. The plot is simple enough. Group of people trying to design an artificial intelligence that can think by itself, where eventually humans can upload their brains in computers to achieve singularity. Some haters hate the premise and shot the hero (Johnny Depp). His wife played by the hot Rebecca Hall then uploads his brain into a computer. He then became sentient and wants to hook to the internet. Basically after that shit hits the fan... Eventually. This movie reminds me of what the Terminator and The Matrix is before it became that movie. It's like what happens in between. There are a lot of plot holes in the movie but it's hard to justify why shit happens. Overall the movie makes you think that this is so illogical. It's not movie of the year in my book. But it's a good watch

3/5 quantum processors

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hotline Miami

Game: Hotline Miami
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: seen this game in action. First impressions was I won't enjoy the top view experience. But after picking it up and playing a couple stages. I really enjoyed it. The dual vita thumbstcks really add depth in gameplay.
What I liked: Weaponsq, Gameplay, Story... Quite confusing but entertaining.
What I didn't liked: the insane difficulty, dying countless times.
Status: Finish the game with all chapters completed.
Score: 5/5 katanas

Wipeout 2048

Game: Wipeout 2048
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Racing
First 3 Hours: I knew the Wipeout series way back in the 90's. The gameplay is still face paced and challenging. The cars are mostly the same.
What I liked: cars, tracks, weapons
What I didn't liked: weak ass shields.
Status: Finish the game with all tracks and cars
Score: 5/5 Wipeouts

Monday, August 11, 2014

Saint Mora

Game: Saint Mora
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Shooter
First 3 Hours: This is a 2D side scroller shooter with 3D cutscenes and graphics. Each jet has it own unique abilities. Storyline is quite good. The boss battles are hard.
What I liked: Storyline, vehicle variety and abilities, graphic.
What I didn't liked: Too short (4 Hours) Hard boss battles
Status: Finish the game after dying a couple of times
Score: 5/5 scatter shots

Zero Escape: Virtue Last Reward

Game: Zero Escape: Virtue Last Reward
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Adventure
First 3 Hours: This game reminds me of Professor Layton. Sloving puzzle is awesome.
What I liked: Storyline, Puzzles
What I didn't liked: confusing gameplay
Status: I am not sure I beat this game or not. After beating a chapter it restarts back to the beginning. Need to revisit it again
Score 3/5 bunnies

Batman Arkham Origins

Game: Batman Arkham Origins
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: The newest Batman game which is also a prequel. Didn't quite like the riddler missions. Storyline is the same of all Batman games.
What I liked: Being Batman, Storyline, Boss battles, Gadgets
What I didn't liked: Riddler missions, firefly.
Status: Completed main storyline
Score: 5/5 batwings

Rayman Origins

Game: Rayman Origins
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Platformer
First 3 Hours: This game is so addictive. It's easy to play but hard to master. Love every minute of it.
What I liked: Characters, Stages
What I didn't liked: Challenge. It's too hard.
Status: Finish the game and got all of death ruby teeth. Unlock the night of the living damned stage. Took. 5 hours to master that stage. It turns out you have to go through it in one sitting
Score: 5/5 fairies

Uncharted Golden Abyss

Game: Uncharted Golden Abyss
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: Finally got PS Plus in end of April. So trying all the free games that comes with it. Starting with Uncharted. It played just like the console version. The touchscreen parts are tedious. But it's a good thing that it's optional.
What I liked: Gameplay, Puzzles, Story
What I didn't liked: Touchscreen, repetitive segments
Status: Finished the game in 1 week. I love my vita
Score: 5/5 golden abyss

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Grand Theft Auto V

Game: Grand Theft Auto V
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: I knew when I booted the game up I was in for something special. Best game I've played hands down. The car mechanics are awesome. Storyline is great. The choice of game play is varied. There are some mission that sucks.
What I liked: Heist, driving mechanics, storyline, long gameplay hours
What I didn't like: Shooting mechanics, repetitive of some mission
Status: Finished the game twice since it was that damn good. Bought a tank. Call it a day
Score: 5/5 Tanks

Crash Bandicoot Trilogy

Game: Crash Bandicoot 1,2 and 3
Platform: PSP (PSX)
Genre: Platformer
Factory Sealed: 129
First 3 Hours: The game is pretty straightforward. We need to get to point B from point A while avoiding obstacles. The game gives you enough of a challenge to make it interesting. Story doesn't make sense and uninspired.
What I liked: Gameplay, challenges,
What I didn't liked: Story, Cheap Boss battles
Status: Finish all 3 in the span of 1 year
Score: 3/5 for Crash 1
             5/5 for Crash 2
             4/5 for Crash 3

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Castlevania: Symphony of the night

Game: Castlevania Symphony of the night.
Platform: PSP (PSX)
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: I love castlevania games. This was one of the best games our there. I tried it and I love it. Alucard is the best hero ever. The best part is sword trumps whip.
What I liked: Gameplay, items, bosses, level up
What I didn't liked: Getting to level 100 is a chore
Status: Played the castle. Beat all bosses in normal mode. The castle then inverted with harder challenges and I still beat it. Play time around 30 hours.
Score: 5/5 bats


Game: Dokuro
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Puzzle
First 3 Hours: The stages are short. The puzzles are relatively easy in the first few stages. But after that it gets increasingly difficult. Plus the controls are not that smooth.
What I liked: Puzzles.
What I didn't liked: Controls
Status: Finish until level 4. Decide to call it quits since I keep dying at the same spot. Rage quitting.
Score: 3/5 bones


Game: Guacamelee!
Platform: PS Vita
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: This game is metroidvania. But with some luchador fighting with it.
What I liked: Combat system, upgrades, storyline
What I didn't liked: The difficulty can be quite daunting
Status: Finished the game... In 2014... lol. I'll count it as 2013
Score: 5/5 wrestling masks

Tekken 6

Game: Tekken 6
Platform: Ps Vita
Genre: Fighting
First 3 Hours: Same Tekken just different characters
What I liked: You can't go wrong with Tekken
What I didn't liked: Tekken is getting stale
Status: Finish all the characters
Score: 3/5 king masks

Metal Gear Solid 2. Sons of Liberty

Game: Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty
Platform: Ps Vita
Genre: Action
Factory Sealed: 151
First 3 Hours: Same metal gear game. Difference is first person. Can put people in lockers. But the biggest kicker of all. You can't play as snake for the whole game... Raiden is also good enough
What I liked: Gameplay
What I didn't liked: Convoluted storyline, vamp, raiden
Status: Finish the game on the vita.
Score: 4/5 stealth suit

Metal Gear Solid

Game: Metal Gear Solid
Platform: PSP (PSX)
Genre: Action
First 3 Hours: 2nd game in the series. This game was design with no fancy graphics and not free moving camera . Gameplay still rocks.
What I Liked: Gameplay, Storyline, Psycho Mantis
What I Didn't Liked: Sniper Wolf. No free roaming camera
Status: Finish the game with Meryl.
Score: 5/5 cyber ninjas

The Expendables 3

If I could sum up this movie. It could be that, this is where all the old action heroes go to die. Everybody is in this movie. Except the kitchen sink. The movie plot is pretty straightforward. The plot is not award winning stuff. Stallone doesn't age well. I think that the 3rd is the worse among the 2. Maybe that's because the stakes are not high. Well besides their death. Nothing else is high. The most disappointing part is Jet Li doesn't not fight.

3/5 expandables

Friday, August 8, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

First movie review for this year. The first movie I decided to see in a long time is the awesome Guardians of the Galaxy. The is by far the best Marvel movie to date in terms of character and story line. I love Star Lord and Rocket. They practically made the movie awesome. Groot is the most lovable plant creature with limited vocabulary. The other two are just filler to make them into a team. The action sequence are not as epic as Captain 2, but there are some moments. The 70's - 80's music is also awesome. The only problem I have is that we didn't get to see too much of Thanos. Instead we got his B grade lacky... Oh well.. Avengers 3 then

5/5 Infinity Stones