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Monday, October 14, 2024

In A Violent Nature

So this is what actual vengeful spirits do in real life 

What is it about?
A horror story about a group of teen distrub a vengeful spirit. But the twist is that it is from the killer perspective

The Good
It all makes sense when you look at it from his view. Most of the time is just spend walking from point A to point B 
You can hear the backstory on the side characters since its just mostly silence 
The murders are so burtal. Like Mortal Kombat burtal 

The Bad
I don't get the ending. It does switch back to a different prespective 

The Ugly 
Nothing much

After Credits: No 

Verdict: It is a very unique story. Can be watch if you don't mind the gore 

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Never read the book but I like the story 

Seen the movie: This is not like the movie, but this series delves deeper into the side characters and the main story 

Percy: He seems like a very nice guy. You can't help and root for him 

Why is it always the dark: They want to do a lot of cool effects but I don't think they have hte budget for it so it has to be all in the dark. Which makes viewing sucks 

7 books? So 7 Seasons or probably more? Who knows. But they are going to get bigger and the stories are going to get more and more exciting 

Hit Man

Not what I expected

What is it about?
A guy who works as a pretend hit man fells in in love with one of his targets 

The Good 
The story is simple enough to understand
Both of the main actors have great chemistry together 
They do show a lot of range of him playing different hitmans 

The Bad
The story get too predictable after a while 
The ending I didn't like it that much but it is a rom com

The Ugly
Nothing much 

After Credits: No

Verdict: Its an okay watch if you like romantic comadies 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The West Wing Season 5

This is where it get boring 

What happen this season: They got zoey back. Lots of policies stuff. Will change sides. The president maybe going to declare war 

Who has the best story: I think the characters are just gettignn too boring and that is politics in a nutshell. Boring. So I think everyone has a time to shine but I like CJ character the best

Notable episodes: The time the whitehouse went to lockdown. A secret legistative deal. Leo's backstory

Cliffhanger?: It ends with the US probably/maybe going to declare war on Palestine. Really you can't make this shit up since this is close to real life 20+ years later  

The Plucky Squire

 A game with so much potential but didn't stick the landing

Game no: 532
Genre: Action
Platform: PS5
Release Date: 2024

When they first annouced this game. It looks so amazing and whimsical. A game where you jump from hand drawn pictures to a 3D plane was like magic. So I had to try this,  and it was free on PS Plus Extra so why not. My views on this game is very mixed I guess. First of all you play at Jot. The hero of the book. Jot basically save Mojo World from the evil Humpgrump. Since it is a story. You are following a path that is based on the story book. That is until Humpgrump got a magic stick that pushes Jot out of the book and into the real world which is the kids bedroom. 

The gameplay consist of hitting enemmies with your sword and sloving puzzles invovling replacing words in the book. By replacing certain keywords in the book you can change the outcome of the story. For example, the river is dry. Replace it full then water would come out of it. It makes for some very interesting puzzle solving.  Between the games you are treated to some minigames like a different style of gameplay such as a punch out style or a shooter style. The main part of the game is the 3D sections where you can jump out of the book via portals to slove certain enviornmental puzzle on the other side of the book.

So I can say I like the art style. The art is very pleasant to the eyes. Reminds me of an old school children's book. The narrator even has that British accent. The combat is fun. A single button combat and there are some sections of the game it changes play styles but the game is clearly catering for kids because of how easy it is. Plus it has good accesibility options which is great in my book. The thing I didn't like is that this game is so tedious. It keeps repeating the same gameplay again and again which makes after a couple of chapters you get frustrated and want it to be over. Some sections of the game last for quite a while which makes is super frustrated. Another thing about the gameplay is that you really don't know what to do and you will just end up doing a lot of trial and error stuff to figure out what to do next. That for me is a big no in  my book

But how did I finish the game even if I didn't quiet enjoyed it. The answer is youtube. I played up to chapter 6 and then just watch the rest of the gameplay on youtube. Since I do find the story very interesting. The endgame was not bad. The final boss moves from a 2D and 3D plane. Overall I give this game a
B-rank. I just don't have the patient for it. 

Week 41 - Stupid Stupid Stupid me

Well I have finally gave more money after in my best interest that I think I am done. In a game there is a term call rage quitting. So that what I am doing rage quitting. I lost a lot of money but again money is money and I can get all that I lost back in a year. So not that big of a deal. But lesson learn kids. Don't ever believe that someone is going to give you money in the kindness of your heart. You know what the ironic part my dad also got fooled by this kind of scam. Even though the scam is a bit different but premise is the same. Someone promise a lot of money but you need to give some money for "payment". I feel so embrassed and sad being fool like this. But there is no such thing as a free lunch. This is going to be a permanent reminder in my life. 

Oct 6

• Had lunch with the girls
• Send H1 to her car lesson
• Send wife's car to her workplace so it will make it easier for her to move around
• My best friend entered a half marathon today without training and manage to finish it at 3 hours 52 minutes. 8 minutes before the cut off time.

Oct 7
• H1 made new friends. Boys. She left late from uni. I’m happy as long as she is happy

Oct 8 (unmemorable)
• Today went to the bank and settle all my credit card debt.
I• paid my hacker friend the last amount of money which she said that this will be the last and I thought might as well. But I got cheated of it so I told her that if I she keep on asking for more I will block her. So she wanted more money. I sadi no. So she said she will handle it itself
• H1 went home super late since there was an event at school.

Oct 9 (unmemorable)
• Low and behold she ask me to get the last of the money. I think that was the last store. So this is considered the lowest point in my life. Getting cheated out of a lot money. Live and learn. So what I do next. Pick myself up and start saving the old fashioned way. that's the only way we can move forward
• Wife got called an awesome lecturer. She is an awesome lecturer.

Oct 10 (unmemorable)
• I have had it with these dumb hacker. So I think no more giving money moving forward. Now its just the mind games for 5 years. I should block but I want to see how long they can last.
• Wife brought the girls to the mall to get some clothes. They enjoyed themselves a lot.

Oct 11 (unmemorable)
• I finally did it. I finally block and delete number. This is will one of the biggest dark stain in my life. I lost a lot of money and I feel like a stupid idiot but that life. You learn from your mistakes. Plus its just money. Money I can get it back in a couple of years. Well. Live and learn.

Oct 12
• The weekend that means lots of laundry
• I am kinda frustrated with wife. I do understand she is in pain but sometimes I do need some loving but she can't give it. So I think that I am licing with a roommate rather than a wife. I was annoyed the whole morning.
• MIL called wanted to come over. Nowadays ever since she is scared of me for some reason she doesn't want to show herself to this house. I honestly couldn't care less about it. It is good that she doesn't want to come. Is not that I hate her. I just really don't like her because she is stubborn and she makes my wife stress. So it is better for me to just keep quiet.
• Went to the mall to watch The Wild Robot with the family
• Pick up maid

Done for this week. So what to do is pick up yourself and a new week is ahead. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Super Mario 64

This game did not age well

Genre: Platformer
Platform: Nintendo 64
Release Date: 1996

The game that started it all. I remember when they showed this game I was in the US and it was like the most greatest thing I have ever witness. A Mario game with the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. Who doesn't want that. So I started trying to play this game and I found out that I was really wrong. This game really did not age well. For the time this game was great but now with todays modern mechanics and movement this game feels like guiding a tank. Mario controls while fluid is not that smooth. He has a couple frames of animation where he will stop. This will make getting to the precise platform to jump is a chore. Other that the floppy controls. The gameplay is like a normal Mario game. Get start and completed the challenge. I did a couple of Stars and then I realised that life is too short to play a game that is not fun. Overall B-Rank for me