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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Week 10: First week of Ramadan

Alhamdulliah, it is that time again where we celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. It teaches of the importance of patience and virtue of doing good deeds and other stuff. I do still watch some tv and play some games but not that much. Usually before going to sleep.

Mar 2 (Day 1)
• Today is day 1 of fasting so did a lot of classes. I manage to do a lot than expected
• Mom in law decide to go home yesterday since she has classes in the morning and plus the cleaner is going to stay with her at home
• Cooked some curry chicken
• Did some last minute shopping for H1
• Send H1 to her uni. She insisted on driving so this time we took wife's car since wife's car is more like the test car than my car. That girl is about to give me a heart attack with her driving.

Mar 3 (Day 2)
• Today I cooked some beef soup eating it with porriage
• Did a lot of classes today which is considered a good day
• Send wife to work and pick her up with H2 since she goes back home early
• Wife wants some kuih so I had to go to the bazaar to find something. Lots of choices but have to go there early
• The investment I did last time, the ceo is finally brought to justice. He is being sued by the goverment with a penalty of 10 years in jail and 50 million in fines

Mar 4 (Day 3)
• Wife had classes so she drive herself
• I made some soy chicken with potatoes
• Bought some bazaar food again. I think its the same thing again.
• My best friend called me. Thats whjy I don't think they are going to ghost me. They don't have any friends.
• Got money from the insurance so I finish paying off hana. With that all my debt is settled for.

Mar 5 (Day 4)
• Today I cooked some chicken rendang. First time making it. Didn’t know it takes this long. Around 3 hours
• Went to the bazaar again. Lots of things to try

Mar 6 (Day 5) 🎂
• Today is my brother birthday. He turns 42
• Today we are expecting guests. My wife invited her students to come over and eat. So I cooked 2 boxes of pasta but in hindsight. Even with 13 people. They didn't finish it.
• I went to go terawaih and plan to come back home early but someone blocked the path. So now I have to wait for a while. When the person got there, she just acted like it's not a big deal. Be patient they say. Its fasting season
• Had fun breaking fast with the students. But I didn't get to spend a lot of time with them.
• Pick H1 back home since its pasta and she slept over tonight

Mar 7 (Day 6)
• Send H1 and H2 back to school
• Went to the city to pick up wife's medicine
• Cooked some chicken katsu curry today
• The max temp was 41c today
• The maid text me yesterday for an hour complaining about my mother in law. My mother in law is currently is manipulating my wife to feel sorry for her but she is not telling the full picture so that is why I am annoyed she playing this bullshit mind games. Apprently the maid is annoyed to.

Mar 8 (Day 7)
• Today went out with the girls. Both H1 and H2 wants to get theijr Eid clothing. This year we are not going traditional. So they got a skirt. Both of them look stunning but me and wife had to pay for it
• Mom in law came with the maid. M aid was cooking today we bought extra food at the bazaar.
• Wife was not feeling that great today it is going to be worse tomorrow

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Week 9: Got myself a haircut

 Last week of Febuary. Everyday as time passes I wonder what is the point of everything but I know that there is a lot to look forward too in the future. So yeah. Keep the days coming 

Feb 23

• Wife went out with her cousin this morning for a movie and lunch
• Mom brought us out for lunch
• Got scolded by mom again about the will issue. You know what, now I know her stand I am going to leave it be. I will try to get as much money as I can when the time comes
• Did laundry and go groceries
• Wife called, her cousin car got a flat tire in the mall and she wants me to pick them up. I arrived there and still have to wait 2 hours for the car to be towed
• Didn't get to class and also play games. Too tired for today

Feb 24 unmemorable
• Mom finally sold the land that she bought 30 years ago. Some rich guy from Australia is planning to buy it for 2.8 million. But after all the fees and such she will probably get around 100k only.
• Mom got annoyed at me for getting the will again. I found out from my cousin that she donates a large chunk of her money to a mosque. So with that I know not to expect anything from her when she die. Makes it easier for me. The house is the only thing that I am looking forward too.
• Wife was not feeling well. Today her depression is a bit too much. She didn't want to do anything and everything seems to be wrong. So shey stayed home the whole day. At night she ate medication but it didn't work. After I slept she ended up hurting herself. Sigh

Feb 25
• Cooked some sheppreds pie today
• Eat some ramen and cookie alone. I think I am feeling overwhelmed. But the problem is that wife is feeling overwhelmed as well. So there is nothing much to do about it. I think I have to support her more than myself.
• Today is arabic day for H2 school. She is the official person to be in charge of plates and cups.

Feb 26
• Didn't cook anything since there was plenty leftover. So cleaned the house
• Took wife out to the mall for a Korean lunch. In the evening they wanted McDonalds
• My twitter friend cook the shepperds pie that I made. They want to try to sell it.

Feb 27
• Wife took 2 sleeping pills so she was out the whole day
• I wasn't feeling myself today so I didn't do anything much. I was in a melancoly state.
• Didn't cook so just bought from grab

Feb 28
• Did groceries from Ramadan which is going to happen soon
• Made some spagetti for lunch and dinner
• H2 best friend is going away so she came down one day to say goodbye to everyone
• Send patches to the vet and he needs to be on medication
• Mom manage to sold of her land and now she is okay for me to use the will services after listening to my brother talk about it
• Pick up H1 from her uni and let her drive back home
• They annouce that March 2 will be the frist day of Ramadan
• Watch a movie with wife. I can say that is a good movie

Overall Febuary has been a good month. Did everything that I wanted to do, well almost. Made a new friend. Overall besides getting scolded by my mom. It has been a low key week

Mar 1
• H2 went out with her best friend to say goodbye before hse heads to a different school
• After class, me and wife went out to have lunch and run some errands
• I got a haircut and my wife said I look very foine
• Everyone was full of people since it was the last day before Ramadan and everyone needs to stock up or eat their final meal or something.
• Went to my first Terawih and Insya allah there will be many more

Ended this week with the start of Ramadan. So it is going to be 30 days of fasting. Which means less class but it also means more good deeds. So yeah.. I'm excited. Use gameplay mechanics to make life fun in my opinion

Friday, February 28, 2025

The Killers Game

A Reverse John Wick 

What is it about?
A hitman foudn that he is mistakenly going to die hired all other hitmen to kill him. Now he needs to survive until everyone is dead. 

The Good
This more of a comedy than an action movie
The story is straightforward so it is easy to understand 

The Bad
There is no stakes in the movie since we know that the hero can't die
This is before he lost a lot of weight. 

The Ugly
Nothing much 

After credits: No

Verdict: It is a good action movie.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Star vs The Forces of Evil Season 3

The lore gets more complicated 

This season: Star got back her full wand after beating toffee. Gained a new form. Try to make monsters and humans together. Marco moved to Newmi after Star confess that she liked him 

The new bad: Miss Heinous is the new bad this season and there is lore on where is she form. It is very complicated if you don't follow the series 

Small episodes: There are small episodes but now most episodes have some kind of stakes to it 

Ending: It end with Star giving up her wand to Eclipsa and not sure where to go from there. Last season here we come 

The Graduate

Great soundtrack 

What is it about?
A graduate is having an affair with his parents friend finds the love of his life and now have to figure out how to get her

The Good
I like the soundtrack 
The story was so so at best 

The Bad
The acting is so rigid. No idea why they are going for this but eveyone here doesn't seem to know how to act 
What is going to happen in the end. It ends abruptly just like that 

The Ugly 
Rich people in the 60s are the same nowadays 

After Credits: No

Verdict: Not a great movie, avoid 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week 8: Aunt came down from New Zealand

This week is a good week. My aunt came to visit. I get to do a lot of work. Finish 3 games in a row which is impossible in my book. Overall I am happy for this week  

Feb 16

• Went to lunch with mom and H2 at a Chiense restaurant. Food was okay but I think I ate something to spicy so it is causing me to have stomach cramps
• Came home with food for the girls
• Send maid home, H1 to her dorm and H2 to the mall. She wanted to get a gift for her teacher
• Tried buying xbox gamepass cheap but it turns out it was a different account and not mind. Lost 12 bucks. But its okay. Lesson learned. I did finish a game on gamepass though

Feb 17
• Cooked some pasta bake for the girls. Brought the food to H1 dorm
• Playing some Hi Fi Rush
• Its been raining every evening. Quite scary

Feb 18
• Cook some curry today
• Met with my will planner. They say that I need to start planning my will. It turns out over here when someone die you don't just inherit the money you have to pay 5% of whatever that person owns. Which made me worried since mom is super rich
• Told my brother about this and he agreed as well but he said this is a sensitive subject and he doesn't think mom wants to hear it from us
• Ask my cousin to ask my mom this question. If she can't get the answer I need to have this difficult conversation with my mom which I am not looking forward to
• Need to pick up best friend from the airport. Their flight was on time but the road to arrival was so badly jammed. Took a good 3 hours for the whole journey

Feb 19
• Creamy got the same disease like last time. It hasn't been bad yet but now it is preventive care rather than stopping it. So this time we need to give him medicine for 6 months non stop. Sigh
• Bought some food for the inlaws. They really have no money so they are trying all types of things to make thier money go further.
• Just checked the tickets and it shows that my aunt is arrving tomorrow. I think she didn't realised that she texted me the wrong day and such. Oh well another trip to the airport
• Got scolded by mom about inheritence. But little does she know is that I have plan this all. I take the fall so she will ask other people that I have already texted in advance for this. So this is all according to plan.

Feb 20 (memorable)🎂
• Today is wife's birthday but there are a lot of different things happenign at the same time so we couldn't celebrate it that much
• First mom cooked some fried rice before she left back to her hometown
• Wife called the massage therapist to give her a good back rubbing
• We went for late tea/dinner. Pick up H1 from her dorm. She did her class which is ironically called campus survival which hanging out with the gamily and eating a lot of food.
• In the evening I had to pick my aunt (my dad's sister) from the airport. Arrived a bit late due to the jam but got there. She was lovely. She told me that my dad (girls grandfather) remarried again and I have a half brother that is 9 years old. Who gets a kid during this age. We came home close to 9pm and then after chatting for a while we went to bed

Feb 21
• My aunt charger was busted so brought her to the mall to get a new one while doing some groceries
• Made some claypot chicken rice and everyone loved it
• Send H2 to swimming and pick up H1 from uni
• After class hang out with aunty and took some pictures
• After that took H1 to the neighbours since she has a mock driving test tomorrow. So she needs to do the full point car check. After that she took my car out around the area. I think H1 is confident in driving. Hopefully she is going to do well
• Talk to my twitter friend. That was nice.

Feb 22
• In the morning had to send H1 to driving school for a mock real world exam. She passed but she said she didn't need to do anything. So her actual test is in April
• My aunt left the house this morning for a wedding. She is not coming back. Everyone said their goodbyes to her
• Had some Thai food which was delicious
• In the afternoon we go to watch Captain America. It was okay I give it a 6/10
• Wife's cousin came home and she is taking wife out tomorrow

Another one more week before the start of fasting month. Looking forward for that 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

SWAT season 7

Really the end of an era

Series Finale: This was supposed to be the last season where they tied up all the lose ends. Everyone has their end story arc but... they just renewed this for another season 

Everyone: Everyone go their own arc which is great. If this is the last season I won't mind at all. 

20 Squad: With Luca, Street and Chris gone there are 2 new member coming in (they always sub 1 from a different team) but there is still waiting for one more permanent group member 

Second screen: This show is one of those kind of shows where you can just do something else and listen in the background. I don't mind another season of it