Alhamdulliah, it is that time again where we celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. It teaches of the importance of patience and virtue of doing good deeds and other stuff. I do still watch some tv and play some games but not that much. Usually before going to sleep.
Mar 2 (Day 1)
• Today is day 1 of fasting so did a lot of classes. I manage to do a lot than expected
• Mom in law decide to go home yesterday since she has classes in the morning and plus the cleaner is going to stay with her at home
• Cooked some curry chicken
• Did some last minute shopping for H1
• Send H1 to her uni. She insisted on driving so this time we took wife's car since wife's car is more like the test car than my car. That girl is about to give me a heart attack with her driving.
Mar 3 (Day 2)
• Today I cooked some beef soup eating it with porriage
• Did a lot of classes today which is considered a good day
• Send wife to work and pick her up with H2 since she goes back home early
• Wife wants some kuih so I had to go to the bazaar to find something. Lots of choices but have to go there early
• The investment I did last time, the ceo is finally brought to justice. He is being sued by the goverment with a penalty of 10 years in jail and 50 million in fines
Mar 4 (Day 3)
• Wife had classes so she drive herself
• I made some soy chicken with potatoes
• Bought some bazaar food again. I think its the same thing again.
• My best friend called me. Thats whjy I don't think they are going to ghost me. They don't have any friends.
• Got money from the insurance so I finish paying off hana. With that all my debt is settled for.
Mar 5 (Day 4)
• Today I cooked some chicken rendang. First time making it. Didn’t know it takes this long. Around 3 hours
• Went to the bazaar again. Lots of things to try
Mar 6 (Day 5) 🎂
• Today is my brother birthday. He turns 42
• Today we are expecting guests. My wife invited her students to come over and eat. So I cooked 2 boxes of pasta but in hindsight. Even with 13 people. They didn't finish it.
• I went to go terawaih and plan to come back home early but someone blocked the path. So now I have to wait for a while. When the person got there, she just acted like it's not a big deal. Be patient they say. Its fasting season
• Had fun breaking fast with the students. But I didn't get to spend a lot of time with them.
• Pick H1 back home since its pasta and she slept over tonight
Mar 7 (Day 6)
• Send H1 and H2 back to school
• Went to the city to pick up wife's medicine
• Cooked some chicken katsu curry today
• The max temp was 41c today
• The maid text me yesterday for an hour complaining about my mother in law. My mother in law is currently is manipulating my wife to feel sorry for her but she is not telling the full picture so that is why I am annoyed she playing this bullshit mind games. Apprently the maid is annoyed to.
Mar 8 (Day 7)
• Today went out with the girls. Both H1 and H2 wants to get theijr Eid clothing. This year we are not going traditional. So they got a skirt. Both of them look stunning but me and wife had to pay for it
• Mom in law came with the maid. M aid was cooking today we bought extra food at the bazaar.
• Wife was not feeling that great today it is going to be worse tomorrow